Senin, 23 April 2018

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Probability theory and statistics have some commonly used conventions, in addition to standard mathematical notation and mathematical symbols.

Video Notation in probability and statistics

Probability theory

  • Random variables are usually written in upper case roman letters: X, Y, etc.
  • Particular realizations of a random variable are written in corresponding lower case letters. For example, x1, x2, ..., xn could be a sample corresponding to the random variable X. A cumulative probability is formally written P ( X <= x ) {\displaystyle P(X\leq x)} to differentiate the random variable from its realization.
  • The probability is sometimes written P {\displaystyle \mathbb {P} } to distinguish it from other functions and measure P so as to avoid having to define " P is a probability" and P ( A ) {\displaystyle \mathbb {P} (A)} is short for P ( { ? : X ( ? ) ? A } ) {\displaystyle P(\{\omega :X(\omega )\in A\})} , where ? {\displaystyle \omega } is an event and X ( ? ) {\displaystyle X(\omega )} a corresponding random variable.
  • P ( A ? B ) {\displaystyle \mathbb {P} (A\cap B)} or P [ A ? B ] {\displaystyle \mathbb {P} [A\cap B]} indicates the probability that events A and B both occur.
  • P ( A ? B ) {\displaystyle \mathbb {P} (A\cup B)} or P [ A ? B ] {\displaystyle \mathbb {P} [A\cup B]} indicates the probability of either event A or event B occurring ("or" in this case means one or the other or both).
  • ?-algebras are usually written with upper case calligraphic (e.g. F {\displaystyle {\mathcal {F}}} for the set of sets on which we define the probability P)
  • Probability density functions (pdfs) and probability mass functions are denoted by lower case letters, e.g. f(x).
  • Cumulative distribution functions (cdfs) are denoted by upper case letters, e.g. F(x).
  • Survival functions or complementary cumulative distribution functions are often denoted by placing an overbar over the symbol for the cumulative: F ¯ ( x ) = 1 - F ( x ) {\displaystyle {\overline {F}}(x)=1-F(x)}
  • In particular, the pdf of the standard normal distribution is denoted by ?(z), and its cdf by ?(z).
  • Some common operators:
  • E[X] : expected value of X
  • var[X] : variance of X
  • cov[X, Y] : covariance of X and Y
  • X is independent of Y is often written X ? Y {\displaystyle X\perp Y} or X ? ? Y {\displaystyle X\perp \!\!\!\perp Y} , and X is independent of Y given W is often written
X ? ? Y | W {\displaystyle X\perp \!\!\!\perp Y\,|\,W} or
X ? Y | W {\displaystyle X\perp Y\,|\,W}
  • P ( A | B ) {\displaystyle \textstyle P(A\mid B)} , the posterior probability, is the probability of A {\displaystyle \textstyle A} given B {\displaystyle \textstyle B} , i.e., A {\displaystyle \textstyle A} after B {\displaystyle \textstyle B} is observed.

Maps Notation in probability and statistics


  • Greek letters (e.g. ?, ?) are commonly used to denote unknown parameters (population parameters).
  • A tilde (~) denotes "has the probability distribution of".
  • Placing a hat, or caret, over a true parameter denotes an estimator of it, e.g., ? ^ {\displaystyle {\widehat {\theta }}} is an estimator for ? {\displaystyle \theta } .
  • The arithmetic mean of a series of values x1, x2, ..., xn is often denoted by placing an "overbar" over the symbol, e.g. x ¯ {\displaystyle {\bar {x}}} , pronounced "x bar".
  • Some commonly used symbols for sample statistics are given below:
    • the sample mean x ¯ {\displaystyle {\bar {x}}} ,
    • the sample variance s2,
    • the sample standard deviation s,
    • the sample correlation coefficient r,
    • the sample cumulants kr.
  • Some commonly used symbols for population parameters are given below:
    • the population mean ?,
    • the population variance ?2,
    • the population standard deviation ?,
    • the population correlation ?,
    • the population cumulants ?r.

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Critical values

The ?-level upper critical value of a probability distribution is the value exceeded with probability ?, that is, the value x? such that F(x?) = 1 - ? where F is the cumulative distribution function. There are standard notations for the upper critical values of some commonly used distributions in statistics:

  • z? or z(?) for the Standard normal distribution
  • t?,? or t(?,?) for the t-distribution with ? degrees of freedom
  • ? ? , ? 2 {\displaystyle {\chi _{\alpha ,\nu }}^{2}} or ? 2 ( ? , ? ) {\displaystyle {\chi }^{2}(\alpha ,\nu )} for the chi-squared distribution with ? degrees of freedom
  • F ? , ? 1 , ? 2 {\displaystyle F_{\alpha ,\nu _{1},\nu _{2}}} or F(?,?1,?2) for the F-distribution with ?1 and ?2 degrees of freedom

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Linear algebra

  • Matrices are usually denoted by boldface capital letters, e.g. A.
  • Column vectors are usually denoted by boldface lower case letters, e.g. x.
  • The transpose operator is denoted by either a superscript T (e.g. AT) or a prime symbol (e.g. A?).
  • A row vector is written as the transpose of a column vector, e.g. xT or x?.

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Common abbreviations include:

  • a.e. almost everywhere
  • a.s. almost surely
  • cdf cumulative distribution function
  • cmf cumulative mass function
  • df degrees of freedom (also ? {\displaystyle \nu } )
  • i.i.d. independent and identically distributed
  • pdf probability density function
  • pmf probability mass function
  • r.v. random variable
  • w.p. with probability; wp1 with probability 1

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See also

  • Glossary of probability and statistics
  • Combinations and permutations
  • Typographical conventions in mathematical formulae
  • History of mathematical notation

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  • Halperin, Max; Hartley, H. O.; Hoel, P. G. (1965), "Recommended Standards for Statistical Symbols and Notation. COPSS Committee on Symbols and Notation", The American Statistician, 19 (3): 12-14, doi:10.2307/2681417, JSTOR 2681417 

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External links

  • Earliest Uses of Symbols in Probability and Statistics, maintained by Jeff Miller.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
