ENFJ (extraversion, intuition, feeling, judgment) is an abbreviation used in the publication of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to refer to one of 16 personality types. The MBTI assessment was developed from the work of a distinguished psychiatrist, Carl G. Jung in his book Psychological Types . Jung proposed a psychological typology based on the theory of cognitive function he developed through his clinical observation.
From Jung's work, others develop psychological typologies. Jung's assessment of personality included an assessment of MBTI, developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs, and Keirsey Temperament Sorter, developed by David Keirsey. Keirsey refers to ENFJ as a Teacher, one of four types included in the temperament he calls Idealist. ENFJs account for about 2-5% of the population.
Video ENFJ
Instrumen MBTI
MBTI Preferences show different people based on the following:
- How they focus their attention or get their energy (extraversion/introversy)
- How they view or retrieve information (sensing/intuition)
- How they prefer to make decisions (think/feel)
- How they adapt to the outside world (judgment/perception)
By using their preferences in each of these areas, people develop what Jung and Myers are called psychological types. This underlying personality pattern results from the dynamic interaction of their four preferences, along with their own individual and environmental influences. tendency. People tend to develop behaviors, skills and attitudes based on their particular type. Each personality type has its own potential strength as well as an area that offers opportunities for growth.
The MBTI tool consists of several selection questions that rank respondents on the basis of four "dichotomies" (psychological opposite pairs). Sixteen different results are possible, each identified by its own four-letter code, referenced by the initial letter. ( N is used for iNtuition , because I is used for Introversi ). MBTI is approximately 75% accurate according to its own manual.
- E - Extraversion is favored for introversion: ENFJs often feel motivated by their interactions with people. They tend to enjoy a wide circle of acquaintances, and they get energy in social situations. They tend to switch to external sources when making decisions, and want approval from others. (whereas introverts emit energy).
- N - Intuition is preferred over sensing: ENFJ tends to be more abstract than concrete. They focus their attention on the big picture rather than the detail, and on the possibilities of the future rather than the immediate reality.
- F - Feel would rather think: ENFJs tend to judge personal considerations above objective criteria. When making decisions, they often give greater weight to social implications than logic.
- J - Judgment is preferred over perception: ENFJ tends to plan their activities and make early decisions. They gain a sense of control through predictability.
ENFJ Characteristics
Type description
This type of extroverted feeling seeks continuity through harmonious relationships and collective values. They excel in taking values, simply because the shared values ​​are what create harmony. Some will state the importance of logic of hard thinking, justice, and scientific debate because their environment has these shared values. They tend to adopt the collective values ​​of them in their social groups.
Correlation with Enneatype
According to Baron and Wagele, the most common Enneatypes for ENFJ are Helpers (Twos) and Achievers (Threes).
Cognitive function
Based on Jung's theory, Isabel Myers proposes that for every type of personality, cognitive function (sensing, intuition, thought, and feeling) forms hierarchy. This hierarchy represents a person's default behavior pattern.
Dominant function is the preferred role of personality type, which is most convenient for them. The secondary Auxiliary function serves to support and extend the Dominant function. If Dominant is a function of information gathering (sensing or intuition), Auxiliary is a decision function (thought or feeling), and vice versa. The Tertiary function is less developed than Dominant and Auxiliary, but it matures over time, rounding one's ability. Inferior function is a fatal weakness of personality type. This is the most uncomfortable function for them. Like Tertiary, the Inferior function is reinforced with maturity.
Jung and Myers consider the attitude of the Auxiliary, Tertiary, and Inferior functions as opposed to Dominant. In this interpretation, if the dominant function is reversed, the other three are introverted, and vice versa. However, many modern practitioners argue that the attitude of the Tertiary function is the same as the Dominant. Using a more modern interpretation, the cognitive function of ENFJ is as follows:
Dominant: Extraverted feeling (Fe)
Fe seeks social connections and creates harmonious interactions through attentive, enthusiastic, and captivating behavior. Fe responds to the explicit (and implicit) desire of others, and can even create internal conflicts between the needs of the subject itself and the desire to meet the needs of others.
Auxiliary: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Attracted to symbolic actions or devices, Ni synthesizes a seemingly paradox to create previously unimaginable. This realization comes with a certainty that demands action to fulfill a new vision of the future, possible solutions including complex systems or universal truths.
Tertiary: Extra sensing (Se)
Se focuses on the experience and sensations of the physical world instantly. With an acute awareness of the current environment, it brings relevant facts and details to the forefront and can lead to spontaneous action. Inferior: _Introverted_thinking_ (Ti) "> Inferior: Introverted Thought (Ti)
Ti looks for precision, like the right word to express an idea. He notes the minute differences that define the essence of things, then analyzes and classifies them. Ti examines all sides of a problem, looking to solve problems while minimizing effort and risk. It uses a model to root out logical inconsistencies.
Shadow function
Further personality researchers (especially Linda V. Berens) add four additional functions to the downhill hierarchy, called the "shadow" function in which the individual is not naturally inclined but which can arise when the person is under stress. For ENFJ, this shadow function (in order):
- Introverted (Fi) feelings : Fi filters information based on value interpretation, generates judgments according to often intangible criteria. Fi constantly balances a range of internal values ​​such as alignment and authenticity. In harmony with subtle differences, Fi innately senses what is right and what is wrong in a situation.
- Extra intuition (Ne) : Ne discovers and interprets hidden meanings, using the "what if" question to explore alternatives, allowing many possibilities to co-exist. This imaginative game brings together insights and experiences from multiple sources to form a new whole, which can then become a catalyst for action.
- Introverted (Si) sensing : The data collects at this time and compares it with past experiences, a process that sometimes evokes feelings related to memory, as if the subject were reviving. Seeking to protect what is familiar, Si uses history to shape goals and expectations about what will happen in the future.
- Extravert Thinking (Te) : Compile and schedule ideas and environments to ensure efficient and productive goal pursuits. Looking for a logical explanation for actions, events, and conclusions, looking for wrong reasons and deviations in sequence.
External links
- Keirsey Guru Idealist (ENFJ)
- The Myers & amp; Briggs Foundation: 16 MBTI Type
Source of the article : Wikipedia