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In linguistics, grammatical atmosphere (also mode ) is a grammatical feature of the verb, used to signal modalities. That is, the use of verbal inflections that enable speakers to express their attitudes toward what they say (eg statement of facts, desires, orders, etc.). The term is also used more broadly to describe the expression of syntactic modalities, ie the use of verb phrases that do not involve the inflection of the verb itself.

Moods differ from grammatical or grammatical aspects, although the same wording is used to express more than one meaning at a time in many languages, including English and most other modern Indo-European languages. (See atmosphere-tense-aspect for discussion on this.)

Some examples of moods are indicative, interrogative, imperative, subjunctive, injunctive, optative, and potential. These are all limited verb forms. Infinitives, gerunds, and participles, which are the non-restricted forms of verbs, are not considered examples of mood.

Some languages ​​of Uralic Samoyedic have more than ten moods; Nenet has as many as sixteen. Indo-European original inventory of moods consists of indicative, subjunctive, optical, and imperative. Not all Indo-European languages ​​have all this atmosphere, but the most conservative ones like Avestan, Ancient Greece, and Sanskrit have it all. English has indicative, imperative, and subjunctive indicative; Other moods, such as conditional, do not appear as different morphological forms.

Not all the moods listed below clearly differ conceptually. Individual terminology varies from one language to another, and the scope (eg) of "conditional" moods in one language may overlap with "hypothetical" or "potential" atmosphere in another. Even when two different atmospheres exist in the same language, their respective usages may be blurred, or can be defined by syntax rather than semantic criteria. For example, the subjunctive and optical atmosphere in Ancient Greek is syntactically in many subordinate clauses, depending on the main verb strain. The use of indicative, subjunctive, and jussive atmosphere in Classical Arabic is almost completely controlled by the syntactic context. The only possible alternative in the same context is between the indicative and the jussive following the negative particle l? .

Video Grammatical mood

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Realist mood is a category of grammatical atmosphere that indicates that something is actually a case or is not really a case. The most common realist atmosphere is the indicative mood. Some languages ​​have different public ambience to reveal the general truth. For other realist moods, see the main Realistic mood article.


Indicative atmosphere, or proven mood, is used for factual statements and positive beliefs. It is an atmosphere of reality. Indicative atmosphere is the most commonly used mood and is found in all languages. Example: "Paul is eating an apple" or "John eats an apple". All intentions that certain languages ​​are not categorized as other moods are classified as indicative.

Maps Grammatical mood

Irrealis mood

Irrealis's mood is a series of grammatical moods that indicate that something is not a particular case or situation or action that is unknown to have occurred. They are verbs or sentences that are not a realist mood. They may be part of the expression of need, possibilities, needs, wants or desires, fears, or as part of counter-factual reasoning, etc.

The verb form Irrealis is used when talking about events that have not yet occurred, are unlikely to happen, or otherwise away from real events. For example, in the phrase "If you have done your homework, you will not fail in class", has done is the verb form irrealis .

Some languages ​​have different grammatical forms which indicate that the event described by a particular verb is the verb irrealis . Many Indo-European languages ​​maintain a subjunctive mood that serves as irrealis . Some also maintain an optical mood that describes expected or expected events but is not factual.

Normal mood is imperative, conditional, subjunctive, optative, jussive, and potential. For another example, see the main article for each mood.


The subjunctive atmosphere, sometimes called a conjunctive mood, has several uses in the dependent clause. Examples include discussing imaginary or hypothetical events and situations, expressing opinions or emotions, or making polite requests (the specific sphere is a particular language). The subjunctive mood is in English, although it is used in English far less than in many other Indo-European languages. In English, this atmosphere, for some purpose, becomes something of a linguistic fossil. The example of a subjunctive mood is "I suggest that Paul eat an apple". The sentence refers to an event that may or may not occur. Compare this with the indicative verb phrase "Paul will eat apples", in which the verb "will eat" states an unambiguous fact. Another way to express a suggestion is "I suggest that Paul should eat an apple".

Another usefulness of subjunctive in English is archaisms, as in "And if he can not bring a lamb, then he will bring his guilt..." (KJV Leviticus 5: 7). Statements such as "I'll make sure he goes away" are often old-fashioned or too formal, and have been almost completely replaced by indicative constructions, such as "I'll make sure he leaves immediately s ".

Some Germanic languages ​​distinguish between two types of subjunctive moods, for example, Konjunktiv I and II in German or now and then subjunctive in English. Note that the final difference is not about the actual time at which something happened (or did not happen).

The conditional version of "John eats if he is hungry" is (subjunctive part boldfaced):

English: John will eat if he is hungry
French: Jean mangerait s'il eÃÆ' Â »t faim. (note: in modern usage, the imperfect indicator usually replaces an imperfect subjunctive in this type of sentence.)
Germany: Johannes ÃÆ'¤ÃÆ'Ÿe, wenn er hungrig wÃÆ'¤re .
Italy: Giovanni mangerebbe se avesse fame.
Poland: Jan jad? by, gdyby zg? odnia?
Portuguese: JoÃÆ' Â £ o comeria se tivesse fome.
Russia: ???? ???? ??, ???? ?? ??? ???????.
Spanish: Juan comerÃÆ'a si tuviera hambre.
Sweden: Johan skulle ÃÆ'¤ta, om han vore hungrig .

The subjunctive mood stands out in Roman grammar, which requires this mood for certain types of dependent clauses. This usually causes difficulties for English speakers who study these languages.

In certain other languages, dubious words or conditional moods can be used instead of subjunctive in reference to dubious or impossible events (see main article).


Conditional mood is used to speak of an event whose realization depends on other conditions, in particular, but not exclusively, in conditional sentences. In Modern English, this type of modality is expressed through periphrastic construction, with the form going infinitive, (eg I will buy ), and thus is mood only in the broadest sense and not in the narrow sense that is more general than the term "mood". In other languages, the verb has a certain conditional inflection. In Germany, the conditional atmosphere is identical to one of two subjunctive moods (Konjunktiv II, see above).

The conditional version of "John eats if he is hungry" is (conditional part in bold):

English: John will eat if he is hungry.
Finland: Juha sÃÆ'¶isi , jos hÃÆ'¤nellÃÆ'¤ olisi nÃÆ'¤lkÃÆ'¤.
Estonian: buhan sÃÆ'¶ÃÆ'¶ks , kui tal oleks nÃÆ'¤lg.
Basque: Jonek jango luke , goserik balu.
French: Jean mangerait s'il avait faim.
Germany: Johannes ÃÆ'¤ÃÆ'Ÿe , wenn er hungrig wÃÆ'¤re. (Also: Johannes wÃÆ'¼rde essen , wenn er hungrig wÃÆ'¤re. )
Italy: Giovanni mangerebbe se avesse fame.
Poland: Jan jad? by , gdyby zg? odnia ?.
Portuguese: JoÃÆ' Â £ o comeria se estivesse com fome.
Russia: ???? ???? ?? , ???? ?? ??? ???????.
Spanish: Juan comerÃÆ'a si tuviera hambre.
Sweden: Johan skulle ÃÆ'¤ta , om han vore hungrig.

In Roman, the conditional form is used primarily in apodosis (main clause) of the conditional clause, and in some phrases arranged where it expresses modesty or doubt. The main verbs in protasis (dependent clauses) are usually subjunctive or in an indicative setting. However, this is not a universal trait: among others in German (as above), Finnish and Romanian (although the latter is the Romance language), conditional moods are used both in apodosis and protasis. A further example is the phrase "I will buy a house if I earn a lot of money", where in Finland the two clauses have conditional markers -isi : Osta content n talon, jos ansaits content n paljon rahaa . In Polish (as well as Eastern Slavic) the conditional marker -by also appears twice: Kupi? by m dom, gdy by m zarabia? du? o pieni? dzy .

Since English is used as a social language, a common mistake among the second language speakers is to use "will" in both clauses, for example * "I will buy if I will produce...". "Will" can, however, be properly used after "if" in sentences like "If you will just let me know what bothers you, I might be able to help" (ie ) if you're willing to tell me... ").


The optical atmosphere expresses hope, hope or command and has other uses that may overlap with subjunctive moods. Some languages ​​have an optative as different moods; some of which were carried out were Albania, Ancient Greece, Kazakh, Japan, Finland, Nepal, and Sanskrit.


The imperative atmosphere expresses direct orders, prohibitions, and requests. In many situations, using an imperative mood may sound harsh or even rough, so it is often used with caution. Example: "Paul, do your homework now". A must is used to tell someone to do something without argument. Many languages, including English, use empty verb stems to form imperatives (such as "go", "run", "do"). Other languages, such as Series and Latin, however, use special imperative forms. In English, the second person is implied by the imperative except when the first person is plural, as in "Let us" ("Let us go"). In Roman, the plural first person is in the imperative mood: Spanish: Vayamos a la playa ; France: Allons ÃÆ' la plage (both mean: Let's go to the beach). The atmosphere is uncertain, the negative imperative may be grammatically or morphologically different from the imperative mood in several languages. This shows that the action of a verb is not allowed, such as "Do not you go!" In English, imperatives are sometimes used to form conditional sentences: eg. "Go east one mile, and you'll see it" means "if you go east one mile, you'll see it".


The jussive, similar to the imperative, reveals command, command, advice, but especially to a third person is absent. A necessity, by contrast, generally applies to the listener. When a language is said to have a jussive, the jusif forms are different from the imperatives, but may be the same as the so-called "subjunctive" in the language. Latin is an example where jussive is only about certain specific uses of subjunctive. Arabic, however, is an example of language with different subjunctive, imperative and jusif conjunctions.


Mood potential is an atmosphere of probability that indicates that, in the speaker's opinion, action or event is considered possible. It is used in Finnish, Japanese, in Sanskrit, and in Sami. (In Japanese it's often called something like tentative, because potential is used to refer to a vote that indicates the ability to perform an action.)

In Finnish, it is largely a literary instrument, as it almost disappears from oral language everyday in most dialects. The affix is ​​ -ne - , as in * men ne e -> mennee "(he/she/it) will probably leave". In English, it is formed by auxiliary means may , be , should , and be : " He can go. ".


Some languages ​​use a hypothetical atmosphere, used in sentences like "you can cut yourself," representing something that may have happened but not.


Inferential mood is used to report an unconscious event without confirming it. Often, there is no doubt about the veracity of the statement (for example, if it's on the news), but just the fact that speakers not personally present at the event force them to use this mood.

In the Balkan language, the same forms used for inferential atmosphere also serve as admiratives. When referring to the Balkan language, it is ten called renarrative mood ; when referring to Estonia, it is called skewed mood .

The inferential is usually impossible to distinguish into English. For example, indicative Bulgaria ??? ????? (toy otide) and Turkish o gitti will be translated equally inferential ??? ?????? (otishal toys) and o gitmi? - with English indicative he goes . [1] Using the first pair, however, implies very strongly that either the speaker either witnesses the event or is very confident that it is happening. The second pair implies that the speaker did not actually witness it happening, that it happened in the distant past or that there were doubts about whether it really happened. If it is necessary to make a difference, then the English construct "he must go" or "he is said to have gone" would partially be inferred.

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Another mood


An interrogative atmosphere (or interrogator) is used to ask questions. In English, questions are considered to be interrogative. Most other languages ​​have no special atmosphere for asking questions, but exceptions include Welsh, Nenets, and Eskimos like Greenlandic.

Deontic Mood vs. Epistemic Mood

Linguistics also distinguishes moods into two categories of parents that include deontic mood and epistemic mood. Deontic mood describes whether a person can or should be able to do something. An example of a deontic mood is: He should/can start. On the other hand, an epistemic atmosphere describes the possibility or possibility of something happening. This will then change our example to be: He may have started. To further explain the modalities, linguists introduce a weak mood. A weak mood illustrates how an action is not recommended or criticized. A weak epistemic atmosphere includes possible and possible terms.

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Other languages ​​


  • Realist and Irrealis mood

Wuvulu does not have a word form but passes it through moods, aspect markers, and time phrases. They are also able to express tenses with adverbial and aspect tagging. Position mood can be expressed by using: 'realis',' a- 'irrealis', nei' deontik ', and nei? A- 'negated deontics'. Past events have a real mood inflection (na-). ex:

ro = na-biri =? he
3PL = REAL-work = 3SG
'They did it.'

ro =? a-biri =? he
3PL = IRR-work = 3SG
"They'll do it."

Circumstances represented by realist markers:

? i = on-the-road? gold-i
3PL = REAL-small-DER
'Itu kecil.'

The Proto-Oceanic and Wuvulu languages ​​have the distinction between a realist atmosphere and an irrealist mood. If having a present tense declarative then usually will eliminate morpheme mood. ex:

? i = no-mai
'He is coming.'

? i = fi-no-mai
3SG = SIM-pindah-DIR
'He is coming.'

  • Deontic and Deontik negatives

Marker "nei-" indicates an act done under some obligations or permits.


nali amu? o-nei-li ma amu? o-nei-po? o-ma? iru

okay 2PL-DEON-go and 2PL-DEON-really-sleep

Okay, you have to go and you really have to sleep.

To establish the Deontic negation, the "? A-" morpheme must be attached to deontic markers "ne-"


? o = is reported in ro = a-a-we-no-a-mai

2SG = RED-note the path COMP 3PL = DEON-DNEG-EV-move-just-DIR

Keep an eye on the road so they can not just come.


Pingelapese is a Micronesian language used in pingolap atol and on two islands of eastern Caroline, called the high island of Pohnpei. e and ae are additional verbs found in Pingelapese. Although seemingly interchangeable, e and ae are separate phonemes and have different uses. A Pingelapese speaker will choose to use e when they have a high degree of certainty in what they say and ae when they are less sure. This therefore illustrates that e and ae are mood indicators. They have no effect on the direct translation of a sentence, but they are used to change the mood of the spoken sentence. The following example shows the difference between e and ae when applied in the same sentence.

Russia Soahn e is placed.

"I heard John was fishing (I'm sure of that)."

Pants and Stocks Soahn.

"I heard that John was fishing (but I'm not sure about that)."

The use of ae instead of e can also indicate an interrogative sentence. This is a non-declarative speech form that shows the speaker has no commitment to the statement they say. The following sentence is an example.

Soahn ae put?

"Is it John fish?"

Reo Rapa

The language we know as Reo Rapa was not created by a combination of 2 languages, but through the introduction of Tahitian to the monolingual community of Rapa. Old Rapa's words are still used for grammar and phrase structure phrases but the most common context words are replaced by Tahiti. The Reo Rapa language uses TAM (Tense - Aspect - Mood) in their sentence structures such as TAM Impresective /e/ markers and Imperative TAM markers /a/.

misalnya: hina'aro na vau t? mei'a ra t i>> ra (Deixis)

  • 'Saya mau pisang itu (Anda Disebutkan).'


Mortlockese is an Austronesian language consisting of eleven dialects over eleven atolls that make up the Mortlock Islands in Micronesia. Various TAM markers are used in languages. The mood marker includes past tense (marking the push or for urgency) aa , the horticus k? that show a polite tone, min or tin to emphasize the importance of something, and the word t? to indicate a warning or prudence. Each of these markers is used in conjunction with the subject proclitics except the marker aa .

src: www.atreks.com

See also

  • Article on a certain grammatical atmosphere
  • Grammatical conjugation
  • Grammatical Modality
  • Polarity Item
  • Nominal TAM

src: slideplayer.com


src: www.preceptaustin.org

External links

  • Mood in the Greek Biblical

From SIL International:

  • Deontic modalities
    • Verbalif modality: uncertain mood, choosing mood
    • Capital briefing: deliberative mood, imperative mood, immediate imperative mood, mood jusif, mandatory mood, permissive mood, precational mood, unclean mood
  • Epistemic modalities
    • modality assessment: assume mood, declarative mood, deductive mood, dubious atmosphere, hypothetical atmosphere, interrogative mood, speculative atmosphere
  • Irrealis Modality: subjunctive mood

Source of the article : Wikipedia
