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The mother theory of refrigerators is the theory that discarded autism is caused by a lack of maternal warmth. Current research shows that a combination of genetic factors dominates the cause of autism.

The term mother refrigerator and parent fridge was created around 1950 as a label for mothers and parents of children diagnosed with autism or schizophrenia. When Leo Kanner first identified autism in 1943, he noted a lack of warmth amongst parents of autistic children. Parents, especially mothers, are often blamed for their children's atypical behavior, which includes rigid rituals, speech impediment, and self-isolation. Kanner then rejected the "mother refrigerator" theory, instead of focusing on brain mechanisms.

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In his 1943 paper that first identified autism, Leo Kanner called attention to what appeared to him to be a lack of warmth amongst fathers and mothers of autistic children. In a 1949 paper, Kanner suggests autism may be related to "lack of mother warmth", noting that fathers seldom resign to indulge in children's games, and observe that children are exposed from "early to cold, obsessive, and parenthood the mechanical kind of attention is only to the material needs.... They are left neatly in the refrigerator that does not melt.Their withdrawal seems to be an act of turning away from such situations to seek comfort in solitude. "In a 1960 interview, Kanner was outspoken describes the parents of autistic children as "just going defrost enough to produce a child." In Kanner's original paper, however, only one set of parents is described as "cold", with many family members emerging from one neurological minority or another after reading the text closely.

Bruno Bettelheim at the University of Chicago plays an important role in facilitating widespread acceptance by both the public and medical institutions, although Bettelheim is a fraudulent child psychologist who has misunderstood his identity.

In the 1950s and 1960s. In the absence of a biomedical explanation of the causes of autism after the first signs of symptoms described by scientists, Bettelheim and the real psychoanalysts championed the idea that autism is the product of a cold, distant and refusing mother, thus depriving their children of the opportunity to "bind properly ".

This theory was embraced by medical institutions and was largely unchallenged in the mid-1960s, but its impact has persisted into the 21st century. Many articles and books published at the time blamed autism on the lack of maternal affection, but in 1964 Bernard Rimland, a psychologist with autistic sons, published a book that signaled the emergence of counter-explanation of the misconceptions that had been established about the causes of autism. His book, Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for the Theory of Nerve Behavior , attacks the mother hypothesis of the refrigerator directly.

Soon afterwards in 1967, Bettelheim wrote The Empty Fortress: Infantile Autism and Birth of the Self, in which he compared autism to being a prisoner in a concentration camp:

The difference between the fate of inmates in the concentration camp and the conditions that lead to autism and schizophrenia in children, of course, the child has never had an opportunity before to develop many personalities.

After his death in 1990, it finally emerged that Bettelheim had misinterpreted his identity. The degree is either in art history or philosophy (aesthetics), and he takes only three classes of introduction in psychology. He claimed that Sigmund Freud had praised him as the personal psychoanalysis needed to grow and develop. Bettelheim never actually met Freud. Most of what Bettelheim knows about psychoanalysis, he seems to have learned as a client.

Bettelheim was employed in 1944 to become director of the Orthogenic School for Troubled Children at the University of Chicago as a residential care environment for such children, whom he felt would benefit from "parentectomy". This marks the peak of autism seen as a nurturing disorder. Some authority was given for this too, as Bettelheim himself had been interned in the Dachau concentration camp before World War II.

In 1969, Kanner discussed the issue of the mother of the refrigerator at the first annual meeting of what is now the Autism Society of America, which states:

From the first to the last publication, I talked about this condition uncertainly as "innate." But since I describe some of the characteristics of parents as people, I often misquote because it says "it's all a parent's fault."

Maps Refrigerator mother theory

Leo Kanner's view changed

According to the book In The Different Key: The Story of Autism (2016), Leo Kanner's original 1943 paper states that "the loneliness of the child" is evident "from the beginning of life." Furthermore, it draws a contrast between autism and schizophrenia, in which autism is part of the child's constitution while schizophrenia develops later in life.

This first article draws only a few quotes in the medical literature. The condition he described was not discussed by a newspaper in a magazine article. In addition, doctors in other parts of the world did not confirm what Kanner had seen, so in about 1950, almost all cases of autism were diagnosed by Kanner himself.

Kanner was involved in a long conversation by mail with Louise Despert, a New York psychiatrist whom she greatly appreciated. Kanner defended his theory while Despert argued that he did not observe anything other than child schizophrenia. When Kanner next revised his textbook, he transferred autism to the category of schizophrenia even though he placed it in subheadings.

In a 2016 paper entitled "Correcting Records: Leo Kanner and Autism," Drs. James Harris and Joseph Piven stated that Kanner did not undergo a mid-period in which he blamed parents. Instead, Kanner describes the characteristics of parents who will later be seen as part of a wider autism phenotype. For example, in a 1956 paper Kanner and a writer wrote, "If one considers the personality of parents who have been described as successful autism, it is likely to show themselves that they can represent a milder manifestation and that the children show the full appearance of the latent structure. "In addition, the early 1940s was still a period when eugenics were held with respect, and in the United States, the sterilization of people with intellectual disabilities was legal. Further, this is the period in which psychoanalysis with its emphasis on early life experiences is the dominant view among clinical and scientific formation. In addition, if autism is actually caused by negative parenting, it would seem to offer more hope for the care of children and/or families.

In 1949 Kanner published his third major paper on autism. According to In Different Keys , he started to blame the cold mother. Whereas before he had positive things to say about Donald Triplett's mother, Mary, he now painted a picture in which Mary looked "cold." And he describes parents in general as at least partly to blame for the autistic characteristics of their children.

Blaming parents, and especially blaming mothers, seems to resonate with the wider society. For example, after Kanner blames Mom, Time magazine wants to write about autism. Kanner viewed 1951 as a turning point for a wider understanding of autism. In ten years, about fifty-two articles and one book have been published by various thinkers and doctors. And autism began to be diagnosed abroad, first in the Netherlands and then elsewhere.

In the hardcover version In Different Keys (2016), authors Donvan and Zucker stated "Kanner, instead of sticking with the original belief about autism being born, has been jerked." The authors further state that "the mother-refrigerator myth is released into the world for many years to come."

In a 1969 speech at a US convention for parents with children on the autism spectrum, Kanner said, "With this, I officially release you people as parents." However, in the 1979 edition of his textbook Child Psychiatry, he states that childhood schizophrenia (a phrase often used for autism until the 1970s) is more closely correlated with parental attitudes than with background genetic person.

Refrigerator Mother Theory | फोटो शेयर छवियाँ

Other well known psychiatrists

For Silvano Arieti, who wrote his major work from the 1950s through the 70s, the term autistic thinking and what he called paleologic thinking seems to be the same phenomenon. Paleologic thought is characteristic in both the current schizophrenic and primitive man, the type of thought that has its foundation in non-Aristotelian logic. An autistic child talks about himself as "you" and not infrequently the mother as "I". "You" remains "you" and does not change to "I".

For Margaret Mahler and her colleagues, autism is a defense against children who can not experience the mother as a living primary object. According to them, autism is an effort of dedifferentiation and deanimation. The symbiotic autism syndrome used to be called "Mahler's syndrome" because Mahler first describes it: The child can not tell the difference from his mother.

Arieti cautions that the tendency of autism is a sign of some kind of disturbance in the socialization process, and when an autistic expression appears it must be assumed that there is some kind of difficulty between the child and his parents, especially the schizogenic mother. Children who use autistic expressions, according to Arieti, are children who can not be socially bound.

In Schizophrenia's Interpretation (1955) Arieti states that for normal socialization process, parent-child relationship must be normal. Loving or anxious parental attitudes support socialization. Arieti not only maintains that parent-child relationships are the first social act and the main impetus for socialization, but also the stimulus to accept or reject society. The child's self in this view is a reflection of the sentiments, thoughts, and attitudes of parents towards the child. Autistic children show extreme socialization disorder and do not want any relationship with others. They "eliminate" people from their consciousness. For Arieti the fear of parents is extended to other adults: the tendency to cut off communication with humans.

Refrigerator Mother Theory | फोटो शेयर छवियाँ

Persistence theory

According to the 1991 book Peter Breggin Toxic Psychiatry, the psychogenic theory of autism is abandoned due to political pressure from parent organizations, not for scientific reasons. For example, some case reports show that deep privacy can lead to quasi-autistic symptoms. Clinic Frances Tustin devotes his life to theory. He writes:

We should note that autism is one of a number of neurological disorders of children who are psychogenic, that is, caused by abusive and traumatic treatment of the infant.... There is a strong denial by Americans about the causes of damage to millions of traumatized children and brain damage as a result of cruel treatment by parents who are too busy to love and care for their babies.

Alice Miller, one of the most famous authors of the consequences of child abuse, has maintained that autism is psychogenic, and that the fear of truth about child abuse is the primary motive of almost any form of autistic therapy she knows. When Miller visited several centers of autism therapy in the United States, it became clear to him that children's stories "inspire fear of doctors and mothers":

I spent a day observing what happened to the group. I also studied the children's close-up photos in the video. What becomes clearer and clearer as the day passes is that all these children have a history of serious suffering behind them. This, however, was never mentioned.... In my conversation with the therapist and mother, I asked about the story of each child's life. The facts justify my guess. However, no one wants to take these facts seriously.

Like Arieti and Tustin, Miller believes that only the parental attitudes that empathize lead to the development of the child's personality.

The maternal refrigerator theory, widely discarded in the United States, still has some support in France and Europe and is mostly believed to be in South Korea as a cause of autism. Academic psychologist Tony Humphreys of University College Cork is a leading Irish supporter of rigid children's parenting theory, despite being criticized by the Psychological Society of Ireland.

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The modern alternative

The modern consensus is that autism has a strong genetic basis, although the genesis of autism is complex and not well understood. In addition, fetal and infant exposure to pesticides, viruses, and household chemicals has also been implicated as a trigger for the syndrome.

Although recent research has shown that the warmth, praise, and quality of parent relationships are associated with behavioral reduction in adolescent and adult adolescents, and that parental criticism is associated with maladaptive behavior and symptoms, these ideas are different from the mother hypothesis of the refrigerator.

When they are babies and toddlers, children on the autism spectrum are not on average different in the attachment behaviors of infants and other toddlers. For a subset of autistic infants who exhibit "irregular attachment," this may be more easily explained by intellectual disability than by parental behavior.

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Documentary movie

In 2002, Kartemquin Films released Refrigerator Mothers , a documentary that discusses American mothers in the 1950s and 1960s and errors made by medical institutions for mothers who cause autism in children. their children. The premiere broadcast was aired in the summer of 2002 by PBS United States, which the PBS website has described as "Despite being fully discredited today, the diagnosis of 'mother refrigerator' condemns thousands of autistic children to dubious therapy, and their mothers have a long nightmare. and guilt. In Mother Fridge, David E. Simpson's new film, JJ Hanley and Gordon Quinn, and the production of Kartemquin Educational Films, these mothers tell their story for the first time. "

Refrigerator with or without water on the door? from Thrifty Decor ...

See also

  • Missing mother
  • The despair hole, a tool used in social isolation experiments on baby rhesus monkeys


Further reading

  • "Bias, Bettelheim and Autism: Is History Repeating Alone?" Lynne Soraya, Asperger's Diary, Psychology Today . January 10, 2010. "For Anglo families eligible for Medicaid, it usually takes three or four doctor's visits to get a diagnosis for their children, according to a 2002 article in the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Journal > i For a studying Latin family, it takes more than eight. "

Source of the article : Wikipedia
