Minggu, 08 Juli 2018

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The imperfect (abbreviated IMPERF ) is a verb form, found in multiple languages, combining the past tense (reference into the past) and imperfect aspects (referring to a continuous or recurring occurrence or condition). It can therefore have a meaning similar to English "walking" or "used for walking." This contrasts with the forms of preterite, which refers to one event completed in the past.

Traditionally, imperfect languages ​​such as Latin and French are referred to as one form of the word, although this actually encodes information of aspects other than tension (time reference). This may be more accurately called passing imperfective . '

English is an example of a language that does not have general imperfections and expresses it in different ways (see below and aspects that are not perfect in English). When the term "imperfect" is used in relation to English it refers to a more general form called progressive past or lasting (like is doing i> or is doing ). It is a combination of a past form with a continuous or progressive aspect.

This term may take on certain conventional meanings in certain language grammars. In German, Imperfekt is used to refer to a conjugated past time (to contrast with Perfekt or a mixture of past forms), but the term PrÃÆ'¤teritum (preterite) is now preferred, since its shape does not carry implications of imperfect aspects.

"Imperfect" is derived from the Latin > "unfinished", because imperfect declares an ongoing and unfinished action. The equivalent Ancient Greek term is paratatikÃÆ'³s "prolonged".

Video Imperfect

Indonesian Indo-European


The imperfect meanings in English are expressed in different ways depending on whether the event is sustainable or custom.

For ongoing actions (ongoing at certain times in the past), progressive forms of the past (past continuous) are used, as in "I am eating "; "They ran quickly." However certain verbs that express the state of the action do not mark the progressive aspect (see Use of the English verb "Progressive); in these cases, a simple past tense is used instead: "He hungry "; "We know what to do next."

Past recurring habits may be marked with used for , as in "I often eat many", or with additional verbs be , as in "At that time, I will eat early and will walk to school." (The auxiliary will also have other uses, such as expressing the conditional mood.) However, in many cases the custom nature of the action does not need to be explicitly marked on the verb, and the simple past is used: always eat dinner at six o'clock. "

Romance language


Incorrect indicative conjugation:


  • The imperfectly marked with ba and eb? .
  • The imperfect forms of esse are used as auxiliary verbs in pluperfect of passive voices along with the perfect passive participles.

In Roman, imperfect is generally a past tense. Its uses include representing:

  • Repetition and continuity: actions that occur, are common, or occur regularly in the past, as they are happening
  • Description of people, objects, or past conditions
  • Time in the past
  • The relationship between past events: past events in the past or conditions from a previous time, when other isolated and important events occur (the first verb, indicating the status in the process or condition of the past using the imperfect , while the second uses preterite).
  • Physical or mental state or condition that is going on in the past. Often used with verbs, emotions, abilities, or conscience. The following verbs are often used in imperfections in some Roman languages:

A common mistake of beginners who study the Romance language is to overemphasize whether the time at which the action takes place is known. This usually does not affect how imperfectly used. For example, the phrase " Someone eats all my cookies. " (when translated) is not a good candidate for the imperfect. Basically, it's no different from the phrase " We eat all cookies. " This record fails on the repetition requirement of imperfection, as it is only known to have occurred once. On the other hand, the phrase " I used to have fun in the 1960s. " is a good candidate for the imperfection, even though the period is known. In short, knowing when an action occurs is not as important as how long it is (or still and still) happening.


To form an imperfect for a French regular verb, take the first person plural tense, the "nous" (we), subtract the suffix -ons , and add the appropriate end (the form for ÃÆ'ªtre (us), the "nous" form does not end in -ons , irregular; they start with ÃÆ' Â © t - but have the same suffix):



1. The habitual act or state of existence

2. Physical and emotional description: time, weather, age, feelings

3. Actions or status of unspecified duration

4. Background information in relation to the passÃÆ'Â © composÃÆ' â € <â € <Â ©

5. Desire or suggestion

6. Provisions in the "si" clause

7. Expressions to come and go in the past


  • Verbs ending in rod-dic and -ger undergo minor orthographic changes to maintain phonetic or allophonic sound. Verbs whose roots end in the letter "i" retain the letters even though there are consecutive forms of "nous" and "vous".


Incorrect indicative conjugation:


  • Drop the suffix-suffix and add -vo, -vi, -va, -vamo, -vate, and -vano verb forms.
  • Although dire and opporre (since all of the combined forms of the verb porre and dire ) may appear to be regularly, they are part of a verb family that has strong roots for the Latin equivalent (lat p> nn/p? n bam and d? cere/d? c ). Other verbs include infinitive faccio (present tense)/ facevo (not perfect) (lat. facere/facio/faci? bam ), bere/bevo/bevevo , trarre/traggo/traevo ( trahere/traho/trah? bam ), durre/duco/ducevo [obs.] ( d? cere/d? co/d? c? bam ) and all their combined shapes..
  • There is another imperfect in Italy that is formed by incorporating imperfect from the verb stare (stavo, stavi, stava, stavamo, stavata, stavano) with gerund. For example, "parlavo" can be regarded as "stavo parlando". The difference is similar to the difference between "I eat" and "I eat" in English. However, English does not make this difference imperfect.


Incorrect indicative conjugation:


  • The imperfect is formed of a brief infinitive form of the verb (without the suffix-su) combined with the -am, -ai, -a, -am, -a ends? me, and -a.
  • A short infinitive ending with ,, - "(first conjugate) does not duplicate this letter: eg" pleca "in the first person is" plec a m "and not" plec aa m ").
  • A short infinitive ending in "-i" takes a pattern that ends with "-e" (eg dorm i becomes dorm e am in the first person is imperfect), while the short infinitive ends in "-ÃÆ'®" grab an ending pattern "-a" (eg hot? r ÃÆ'® to be hot? r a m in the first person that is not perfect).
  • There is only one irregular verb in imperfect: a fi , made from the radical era - , instead of fi - .


In Spain, imperfect can be called imperfecto or copretÃÆ' Â © rito . Incorrect indicative conjugation:

  • There are only three irregular verbs in imperfect: ir , ser , and ver . Historically, ir - unlike other " -ir verbs" - failed to drop -b - from imperfect Latin languages. The imperfection ser is also a continuation of the Latin imperfect (from esse ), with the same rod appearing in tÃÆ'º er es (thanks to the pre-classical Latin rhotacism). And imperfections ver ( veÃÆ'a etc) are common in Old Spanish, where infinitive veer provides a ve- stem. In formal language, pronouns "tÃÆ'º" and "vosotros" are replaced with "usted" and "ustedes" (sometimes abbreviated as Ud./Vd. And Uds./Vds.), With conjugated verbs in third person. Spanish Americans always replace "vosotros" with "ustedes", changing the appropriate verbs. Countries that show the type of voseo where "tÃÆ'º" are replaced by "vos" using the same form as for "tÃÆ'º" in this sentence.
  • The first and third person singular forms are the same for all verbs; so, in cases of ambiguity where the context is insufficient, the subject pronoun or noun is included for clarification purposes.


In Portuguese, the imperfect indicator, called "pretà © rito imperfeito", is very similar to Spanish. However, it is important to remember that in Portuguese formal (as it is pronounced in Portugal and many former colonies in Africa), pronouns "tu" and "vÃÆ'³s" are often substituted each by "vocÃÆ'ª" and "vocÃÆ'ªs", and then the word conjugated work like a third person.


Similar to the closely related Portuguese languages, as well as to Spanish, but often called "copretÃÆ'  © rito" (from co - , the same particle is found in English "collaboration" and "coexistence", plus " pretà ©  © rito ", which is a" past tense ", as a reference to it is the second tense form that exists along the usual). Just like them, in the formal use of "ti" and "vÃÆ'³s/vosoutros" transforms into "vostede" and "vostedes" and is followed by a third person. In the verb ends with -fame , -oer , -aÃÆ'r and -oÃÆ'r , the first and second person of plural indicates the presence of a diaeresis.


Like all other past forms, it is not perfectly conjugated regularly for all verbs. Formation: [preverb] past the stem last ending

Slavic languages ​​

Most Slavic languages ​​have lost imperfect language but are preserved in Bulgarian and Macedonian languages. It is also officially preserved in Serbian and Croatian but is considered ancient and limited to literature for poetic and stylistic reasons.

Maps Imperfect


The Turkish language has a separate form for the past that is incomplete and imperfect. To form a continuous strain for a Turkish verb, after removing the infinitive suffix (-mek or -mak), grab this constantly tense suffix "-yor" without a personal suffix, and add the end to a simple past plus a proper personal suffix

  • Like -du (which has a rounded back vowel) succeeds -lar (which has back vowels not stranded), rather than -or (which has a rounded back vowel) when the subject is a third person plural onlar , it becomes -d? (which has a back vowel that is not stranded).
  • If the verb ends in t , it can change to d . (Especially gitmek and etmek )
  • If a verb ends with an open vowel ( a or e ), the open vowel becomes closed when adding -yor (because the closed assist vowel -i - .)
    a to ? if the previous vowel is not stranded, u if rounded (a? la - & gt; a? l? yor, topla - & gt; topluyor)
    i e to be i if the previous vowel is not stranded, ÃÆ'¼ if rounded (bekle - & gt; bekliyor, sÃÆ'¶yle - & gt ; sÃÆ'¶ylÃÆ'¼yor)
  • If a verb ends with a consonant letter, the auxiliary vowel -i - must be added before -yor . It becomes -? - , -u - or -ÃÆ'¼ - depending on the ugliness and circumference of the previous vowel, due to vocal harmony:
    -i if the previous vowel is e or i (stranded in front): gel - & gt; geliyor
    -? if the previous vowel is a or ? (back without background): tub - & gt; bak? yor
    -u if the previous vowel is o or u (re-rounded): kork - & gt; korkuyor
    if the previous vowel is ÃÆ'¶ or ÃÆ'¼ (round front): gÃÆ'¶r - & gt; gÃÆ'¶rÃÆ'¼yor
  • r from -yor can be dropped in colloquially.

To form a negative from lasting tense continuity, the "-ma/-me" ending, which becomes -mi , -m? , -mu , or -mÃÆ'¼ because the complementary vowels are closed and vowel harmony, must be added before -yor .


  • The epenthetic consonant y is inserted between -mu and -du .
  • Just like -mu and -du (which has a round back vocal) successfully -lar (which has an unspoken back vocal) as instead of -yor (which has round back vocals) when the subject is the third plural person, onlar , they become -m? and -d? (which has back vocals without background).

Photos: Imperfect, - ANATOMY LABELLED
src: humananatomylibrary.co

Semitic Languages ​​

Semitic languages, especially ancient forms, do not use imperfect (or perfect) verbs with verbs. Instead, they use imperfect and perfect aspects, respectively. Aspects are similar to word forms, but in contrast to requiring contextual understanding to arrive at whether the verb denotes complete or unfinished action.

I Am A Perfectly Imperfect Human Being | Manuela Pauer
src: pauerconsulting.com

Dravidian languages ​​


In Malayalam (the verb is never conjugated to a grammatical person, indicated by a pronoun), there are two indicators indicative, which is exactly the same as English:

1 - ???????????? (ukay? yirunnu) end (... is... ), for example:
?????????????? (ukay? yirunnu) ... is running
2 - ??????????? (um? yirunnu) end (... used for... ), for example:
????????????? (?? um? yirunnu) ... used to run
  • To form a "do" imperfections, take the infinitive suffix in ?? (groove), for example ???? (uka) - to run - and add ending - ?????????? (y? yirunnu).
  • To form "used to do" imperfections, let go? (ka) from the end of "uka" form and add ?????????? (m? yirunnu) instead.

To make a verb in an imperfect negative, add a ????? (all) after ??? (ukaya) the end to "do" is not perfect. As an example, ????????????????? (?? ukayall? yirunnu) (... not running ). To do the same for "used to do" is not perfect, take off ?? (uma) from end and add ???????? (attilla) instead. As an example, ?????????????????? (?? attill? yirunnu) (... not used to run )

Italian imperfect tense patterns - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
