Kamis, 05 Juli 2018

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File:Crude rate of net migration plus adjustment by country 2008 ...
src: ec.europa.eu

Net migration rate is the difference between the number of immigrants (people who come to a region) and the number of emigrants (people leaving the area) throughout the year. When the number of immigrants is greater than the number of emigrants, a net positive migration rate occurs. A positive net migration rate indicates that more people are entering rather than leaving an area. When more emigrate from a country, the result is a negative net migration rate, which means that more people are leaving than entering the area. When there are the same number of immigrants and emigrants, the net migration rate is balanced.

Net migration rates are calculated over a one-year period using the mid-year population and ratios.

Migration takes place through a range of different push and pull factors that revolve around social, political, economic, and environmental factors in accordance with Migration Trends . Social migration is when an individual migrates to have a higher standard of living, to be closer to the family or live in a country they identify more. Political migration then is when someone enters as a refugee to escape from war or political persecution. This form of migration can also be called forced migration. This happens when refugees move to neighboring countries or more developed countries. Neighboring countries, especially the countries of the Middle East, depend on protecting refugees. Just like the United States, many richer countries now host large numbers of refugees. Economic migration moves to places where people can aspire to have better career and job opportunities that ultimately contribute to better living conditions. Finally, environmental migration is when natural disasters force you to move into new areas. Once we analyze all the migrating factors, we can get the idea that a clean migration rate can tell us a lot about a country. For example, if there are many people who come and not many go, we can think of it as a rich country that continues to grow and generate more opportunities. On the other hand, if not many people enter and many leave it, it is easy to assume that there is a chance of violence, low economy, or insufficient resources to meet the existing population.

Video Net migration rate

Formulas and examples

N = (I - E)/M X 1.000

N = Net Migration Value

I = The number of Immigrants entering the Territory

E = Amount of Emigrants Leaving the Territory

M = Central Year Population

At the beginning of the year, country A has a population of 1,000,000. Throughout the year there were a total of 200,000 people who immigrated to country A, and 100,000 people emigrated from (left) country A. Throughout the year there were a total of 100,000 births and 100,000 deaths. What is the net migration rate?

First, find the mid-year population for country A.

M = [Early Years Population Population at End of Year]/2

M = [1.000.000 (1.000.000 200.000 - 100.000)]/2

M = [1.000.000 1.100.000]/2

M = 2.100.000/2

M = 1.050.000

The middle year population for state A is 1,050,000.

Second, find a clean migration for country A and keep in mind that this is just the number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants, not the actual numbers.

I - E = 200,000 - 100,000

I - E = 100,000

Net migration to country A is 100,000.

Third, connect your findings into the formula to find the level of net migration for country A.

N = (I - E)/M X 1.000

N = 100.000/1.050.000 X 1.000

N = 95.23809523809524

N = 95,2

The net migration rate for country A is 95.2 per 1,000 people. This means that for every 1,000 people in country A at the beginning of the year, 95.2 will immigrate to country A at the end of the year. This figure numerically shows the impact of migration on the population of the country and allows for comparison of net migration rates of country A with the level of net migration of other countries.

Maps Net migration rate


Net migration has a key role in every country. As mentioned earlier if a country has a high degree of migration, it is considered rich and growing. Conversely, low-level countries are seen as undeveloped, have political problems, and lack the resources people need. Every country needs a stable number of people who enter and exit their territory to have a stable economy. If the number of people entering is greater than the number of people who leave, there will be a demand for larger resources and a stronger but growing economy. On the other hand, countries with lower migration rates are likely to lose a lot of available resources due to a lack of consumerism and production. Conflicts can arise because of migration, but people can still feel easier than ever to move to different places. This can be caused by more advanced technology and able to communicate and have a more efficient form of transportation. All this creates more opportunities which then increases the number of net migrations. The United States is an example of a country with increasing opportunities as migration increases. Other problems that occur due to net migration are an increase in dependency ratio, higher demand on government resources, and public congestion. The high dependency ratio can be a factor caused by net migration. The dependency ratio can increase as the parent population increases and the fertility rate decreases. This results in a decline in the labor force and this can hurt a country's economy by causing it to slow down. To slow this process, countries have many things such as raising the retirement age to get elderly people involved in the labor force as much as possible.

Net migration rates for 2016 positive (blue), negative (orange ...
src: i.redd.it

See also

  • Demographics
  • Human migration
  • List countries by net migration level
  • Population dynamics

Minimum package for cross-border TB control and care in the WHO ...
src: erj.ersjournals.com


Net migration rate in the world, 2016. | Maps | Pinterest
src: i.pinimg.com

External links

  • World clean migration level map
  • Planet Wire - Glossary
  • Census Bureau - Glossary

Source of the article : Wikipedia
