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The subjunctive is a grammatical atmosphere (ie, a way of speaking that allows people to express their attitudes toward what they say) is found in many languages. The form of a subjunctive verb is usually used to express various unresponsive states such as desire, emotion, possibility, judgment, opinion, obligation, or action that has not occurred; the exact situation in which they are used varies from language to language. The subjunctive is an unreal mood (which does not refer directly to what is really real) - often contrasting with the indicative, which is a realist atmosphere (used to indicate that something is a fact statement).

Subjunctions are most common, though not exclusively, in subordinate clauses, especially being -pipes. The English subjunctive example is found in the phrase "I advise you to be careful" and "It is important that he remains by your side." (The indicative form of the verb in bold is is and fixed .)

Subjunctions can be represented by the abbreviation of sjv , sbjv , or junc (to avoid confusion with abbreviations for "Subject") . Sometimes referred to as the connecting atmosphere, as most are found in clauses introduced by conjunctions .

Video Subjunctive mood

Bahasa Indonesia


The Proto-Indo-European language, the reconstructed Indo-European ancestor, has two closely related settings: subjunctive and optative. Many languages ​​of his daughter combine or combine this atmosphere.

In Indo-Europe, subjunctive is formed by using the full ablaut class of the verb root, and adding thematic vowels * -e - or * -o - to the root bar, by set main personal inflection complete. The subjunctive is Indo-European irrealis , used for hypothetical or counterfactual situations.

The optical atmosphere is formed with the suffix * -ieh 1 or * -ih 1 (with the larynx). Optative use of secondary personal clitic inflection set. Optative is used to express desire or expectation.

Among the Indo-European languages, only Albania, Avestan, Ancient Greeks, and Sanskrit hold the subjunctive and the optically entirely separate and parallel. However, in Sanskrit, subjunctive use was found only in Vedic languages ​​in the early days, and the relatively less opaque and imperative ones were used. In subsequent languages ​​(from 500 BC), subjunctive is no longer used, with optical or imperative use, or incorporated optically as in Latin. However, the first form of subjunctive continues to be used, as they are transferred to imperatives, which previously, like the Greeks, did not have the form of the first person.


In Germanic, subjunctive is usually also formed from the old optative (mood that shows desire or hope), with the present subjunctive marked with * -ai - and past with * -? - . In German, these forms have been reduced to schwa, spelled -e . Past tense, however, often displays i-umlaut. In Old Norse, the two suffixes evolve into -i - , but i-umlaut occurs in the subjunctive past, which distinguishes it. Below are two tables showing Old Norse's active paradigm, or set of rules, for the verb grafa ("to dig"):



While most of the signs of the subjunctive suffix have been removed in Modern English, the change from is to is in the modern English subjunctive to Also marks the addition the vocal sound to the subjunctive form, and thus an echo of the Indo-European marker five thousand years ago.


The subjunctive in modern English occurs in a variety of contexts usually related to wishes or conditional actions. Regardless of the subject, the present form of the subjunctive verb expressing current or past desires (and other uses) in the clause that is an empty form of infinitive (not preceded by "to"). Therefore, the subjunctive of "to go" is "I go", "you go", "he/she/it go", "we go", "they go". For example: "Required for him to go behind the line" (compared to previous indicator "Everyone knows that he goes to the back of the line"); and "It takes him to go behind the line" (compared to indicative now "Everyone knows that he goes to the back of the line").

The subjunctive language also occurs in the counterfactual dependent clause, using a verb form which in indicative indicates the time of action before the implied by the subjunctive. This is called the subjunctive past when it refers counter-factually to the present, and is called the subjunctive pluperek when referring contraryly to the past. It happens in that the clause follows the main verb-the "desire" clause ("I wish that he is here now"; "I hope that he has here yesterday ") and in the if clause states a condition that does not or does not apply (" If he is here now,... ";" If he has here yesterday ,... ").

The terms "subjunctive present" and "subjunctive past", as they appear in the following table, refer to the form and not to the time the action is declared. (Not shown in the table is a subtitleive pluperfect, which uses the had -plus-past-participle construction when the counterfactual time is past.)

As shown in the table above, the subjunctive form can be distinguished from indicative in five states:

  1. in the sole third person of any verb in the present form;
  2. in all examples of the verb "be" in the current form;
  3. to the first and third singles of the verb "to be" in the past;
  4. in all examples of all verbs in this negative form.
  5. the first and third singles of the verb "to be" in the previous negative form.

However, even when the subjunctive and indicative forms are identical, their time references are usually different.

The verb "to" is so distinguishable because its form in Modern English comes from three distinct Old English verbs: beon (being, become, already), wesan are, are, wast), and wÃÆ'Â|ron (am, art, are, were, wert).

Some auxiliaries have a past subjunctive form. For example, indicative will as in He will come tomorrow has a subjunctive form be as in I hope that he will come tomorrow Similarly, indicative can as in He can do it now has a subjunctive form can as in I hope he can do it now . And indicative should be as in i will go there have the subjunctive form should as in if i have to go there,....

In Early Modern English, subheading of the past can be distinguished from earlier indications not only in the verb to be (as in Modern English) but also in the verbs of the second person of all verbs. Example: indicative You are most quiet , but subjunctive you are sitting . However, in some texts where your pronoun is used, the last -est or -st is sometimes added; for example, you become often appear in Shakespeare's work and some of his contemporaries.


Germany has two forms of subjunctive moods, ie Konjunktiv I (KI) "subjunctive present" and Konjunktiv II (KII) 'subjunctive past'. Regardless of their English names, the two German subjungta can be used for the past and the present.

Konjunktiv I

Subtasks are now present in certain expressions, (eg Es lebe der KÃÆ'¶nig! "Long live the king!") And in indirect (reported) speech. Its use can often be replaced by an indicative atmosphere. For example, Er sagte, er sei Arzt ('He says he's a doctor') is a neutral representation of what is said and does not claim whether the speaker considers the reported statement to be true or not. no.

Past subtasks can often be used to express the same sentiments: Er sagte, er wÃÆ'¤re Arzt. Or, for example, instead of a formal, written Er sagte, er habe keine Zeit 'He says he has no time' with 'habit' given, one can use the past subjunctive word : Er sagte, er hÃÆ'¤tte keine Zeit.

However, in a speech, subjunctive past is common without any implication that the speaker doubts the speech he is reporting. As usual is the indicative use of Er sagte, er ist Arzt and Er sagte, er hat keine Zeit. This is often changed in a written report to a form using the present subjunctive.

The subtugas is now completely organized for all verbs except the sein verb ("to"). It was formed by adding -e , -est , -e , -en /i>, -en to an infinitive bar. The sein verb has a stick sei - for this subjunctive confusion, but has no end for the first and third person. While subjunctive use is present for speeches that are reportedly formal and common in newspaper articles, their use in daily conversations continues to decline.

It is possible to express subjunctively in various forms of words, including the perfect ( er sei da gewesen 'he [seems] to be there') and the future ( er werde da sein 'he will be there'). For preterite, which forms Konjunktiv II with other meanings, indirect speech must turn to perfect form, so: "Er sagte: 'Ich war da.'" Become "Er sagte, er sei da gewesen".

Konjunktiv II

The KII or the past subjunctive is used to form the conditional tension and, on occasion, as the current substitute substitute when both indicative and subjunctive moods of a given verb are indistinguishable.

Every German verb has conjugated conjugations in the past, but in oral conditional German is most often formed using wÃÆ'¼rde (Konjunktiv II form of werden which is related here in English < I will or be instead of the literal to be ; dialect: tÃÆ'¤te , KII from tun 'to do') with infinitives. For example: A deiner Stelle wÃÆ'¼rde ich ihm nicht helfen 'I will not help him if I was you'. In the example, the Konjunktiv II form of helfen (hÃÆ'¼lfe) is very unusual. However, using 'wÃÆ'¼rde' instead of hÃÆ'¤tte (first subjunctive setbacks of haben 'to have') and wÃÆ'¤re (past subjunctive deterioration sein 'to be') can be felt anywhere from past subjunctive use of past subjunctive (using subjunctive past) to false (in the past subjunctive). There is a tendency to use forms in wÃÆ'¼rde rather than in main clauses as in English; in sub-clauses and even regular forms (which sound like an indication of preterite and, thus, obsolete in other circumstances) can still be heard.

There are several verbs that can be used for construction, such as with finden (fÃÆ'¤nde) and tun (tÃÆ'¤te). Many dictionaries regard the past subjunctive setbacks of such verbs as the only proper expressions in formal written German.

Past subtitles are derived from the base of the preterite (imperfect) decline of the verb with the exact subjunctive declension present which ends accordingly. In most cases, umlauts are added to the vowel bar if possible (i.e. if a , o , u or au ), eg: war ich -> ich wÃÆ'¤re , ich brachte -> ich brÃÆ'¤chte

See also German grammar.


The Dutch have the same subjunctive tenses as Germany (described above), although they are rarely in contemporary speech. Two of the same tenses as in Germany are sometimes regarded as subjunctive moods ( aanvoegende wijs ) and sometimes conditional situations ( voorwaardelijke wijs ). In practice, the use of a potential subjunctive verb is difficult to distinguish from indicative use. This is partly because the subjunctive mood has fallen along with the indicative mood:

  • Plural of the subjunctive (both present and past) is always identical to the plural of the indicative. There are exceptions where the use is clearly subjunctive, such as: " Mogen zij in vrede rusten " (May they rest in peace); compared to the singular: " Moge hij/zij in vrede rusten " (May he rest in peace).
  • In the present tense, a single subunctive form is different from indicative, has extra -e . For example, subjunctive " God zegene je, mijn kind " is different from the indicator " God zegent je, mijn kind "(God bless you, my son.)
  • In the past tense, the singular form of the subjunctive of the weak verb (most verbs) is no different from the indicative at all, so for the verb there is no difference between indicative and subjunctive in the past. tense. Only for strong verbs, preterite-present verbs and some irregularly weak verbs subjuncing the past are different from the previous indicative, and only in a single form. For example, subjunctive " hadde ", "ware " and " mochte " is different from indicative " has ", " is "and" mocht "('have', 'is' and 'can').

The ancient and traditional phrases still contain a subjunctive mood:

  • Leve de cool! (Long live the Queen!)
  • Men neme ... (One takes... - as found in the recipe)
  • Uw naam worde geheiligd. (Your name is cleansed - from the Lord's Prayer.)
  • Geheiligd zij Uw naam. (Hallowed be Your name - from the Lord's Prayer, as used in Belgium until 2016.)
  • Zo waarlijk help mij Lord almachtig. (So really help me God omnipotent - when taking the oath).

Latin and Roman languages ​​


The Latin subtitle has many uses, depending on the nature of the clause in the sentence:

In the independent clause:

  1. Push or command
  2. Concession
  3. Want
  4. Doubt of doubt
  5. Possibility or contingency

In the dependent clause:

  1. Condition
  2. Destination
  3. Characteristics
  4. Results
  5. Time
  6. Indirect question

Historically, subjunctive Latin adopts optical forms, while some original subjunctive forms continue to compose the future of Latin, especially in the third Latin conjugation. The * -i - of the old optifers manifests itself in the fact that the subjunctive Latin word usually has a high vowel even when the indicative mood has a lower vowel; Latin rogamus , "we ask", make subjunctive rogemus , "let's ask".

The 1st Latin conjugate presents the subjunctive

Latin 2 conjugations are subjunctive

The 3rd Latin Conjunction is subjunctive

Latin 3 IO conjugated subtitle present

Conjugate the 4 Latin languages ​​that are subjunctive

The subjunctive mood retains a very different form for almost all verbs in Portuguese, Spanish and Italian (among other Latin), and for a number of verbs in French. All of these languages ​​inherit their subjunctive from Latin, where the subjunctive mood combines both form and use of a set of original Indo-European inflections (described above), including the original subjunctive and the optical mood.

In many cases, Roman languages ​​use subjunctives in the same way as English; However, they use it in other ways as well. For example, English generally uses helpers maybe or let to form desiderative expressions, such as "Let it snow". Roman language uses subjunctive for this; French, for example, will say, "Qu'il neige " and " Qu'ils vibl jusqu'ÃÆ' leur vieillesse ". However, in the case of the first person plural, these languages ​​have imperative forms: "Let's go" in French is " Allons-y ". In addition, Roman languages ​​tend to use subjunctively in various subordinate clauses, such as those introduced by words which mean even English: "Though I am old, I feel young"; French: Bien que je sois vieux, je i understand jeune .

In Spanish phrases with words like lo que (which, what), quien (that), or donde (where) and the form subheads verbs are often translated into English with some "whatever" variation. (Spanish: "lo que sea ", English: "whatever", "anything"; Spanish: " donde sea ", English: "where only "Spanish:" quien sea ", English:" whoever "; Spanish:" lo que quieras ", English:" whatever you want Spanish: " cueste lo que cueste ", English: "at any cost".)


The subjunctive is used mostly with verbs or adverbs that express desire, doubt or possibility; it may also express the order. Almost always preceded by the que ( the ) conjunction.

The use of subjunctive in many ways is similar to English:

  • Jussive (issue command, rule, or advise): Il faut qu'il comprenne blemish ("It's necessary that he understands that")
  • Desiderative: Vive la reine ! ("Old live queens!")

But sometimes it is not:

  • Desiderative: Que la lumiÃÆ'¨re soit ! (" Let there be brighter!")
  • In certain subordinate clauses:
    • Bien que ce soit mon anniversaire : ("Although it is my birthday ") (although English introduces similar subjunctive elements in the alternative:" This may be my birthday, but I'm working "
    • Avant que je m'en aille ("Before I go go" )

French also has an imperfect subjunctive, which in older, formal, or literary writings, substitutes the present subjunctive in the subordinate clause when the main clause is in the past tense:


Italian subtasks ( il congiuntivo ) are similar to French subjunctive in formation and use, but are more generally stated.

The subjunctive is used primarily in subordinate clauses following defined phrases or conjunctions, such as benchÃÆ'Ã… © , senza che , prima che , or bertchÃÆ' Â © for example. It is also used with verbs of doubt, possibility and expression of opinions or wishes, for example by che credo , ÃÆ'¨ possibile che , and ritengo che , and with superlatives and virtual superlatives.

  • English: Prettiest girl I know .
  • Italian: La ragazza piÃÆ'¹ bella che io conosca .

One difference between French and Italian subjunctive is that Italian uses subjunctive after expressions such as "Penso che" ("I think that"), in which the French will use indicative. However, France does not use subjunctives after the expression "Je ne pense pas que" ("I do not think that"), and in questions like "Penses-tu que" ("Do you think that").

Present subjunctive

The subtasks are now similar to, but are still widely distinguished from the current, indicative. The subject pronoun is often used with subjunctive present where they are usually omitted in the indicative, since in singular 1, 2 and 3 form are equal, so that person is not implicitly implied from the verb. Irregular verbs tend to follow a single person's first form, such as the current subjunctive form of andare , which goes to vada etc. (The first person to sing is vado ).

Subtasks are now used in various situations in clauses that take subjunctive.

  • English: "It is possible that they should leave".
  • Italian: "ÃÆ'Ë † possibile che debbano partire".
  • English: "My parents want me to play the piano".
  • Italian: "I miei genitori vogliono che io suoni il pianoforte".

Subtasks are now mostly used in subordinate clauses, as in the example above. However, exceptions include imperatives using subjunctive (using the 3rd person), and a statement of common desires.

  • English: "Be careful!"
  • Italian: "Stia attento!"
  • English: "Turn on the republic!"
  • Italian: "Viva la repubblica!"
Subtitle is not perfect

The Italian imperfect subtitle is very similar in appearance (but is more used in speech than the French sub-imperfect), and its form is largely disordered, regardless of the verb essere, dare and staring > (which goes to fossi, dessi and stessi etc.). However, unlike in France, where often replaced by subjunctively present, imperfect subjunctive is much more common. Verbs with contracted infinitives, such as dire (short for dicere ) return to a longer form in an imperfect subtitle (to give dicessi etc. , as an example).

An imperfect subtitle is used in subordinate clauses that take subjunctive where the meaning of a verb requires an imperfect.

  • English: "Looks like Elsa is not coming ."
  • Italian: "Sembrava che Elsa non venisse ."
  • English: "Master is slowing down, so we will understand everything."
  • Italian: "" L'insegnante rallentava, affinchÃÆ' Â © capissimo tutto. "

Incomplete subtitles are used in the "if" clause, where the main clause is in conditional terms, as in English and German.

  • English: "If I have a lot of money, I'll buy lots of cars."
  • Italian: "Se avessi molti soldi, comprerei tante macchine."
  • English: "You'll know if we lied ."
  • Italian: "Sapresti se mentissimo ."
Perfect and pluperfect subtask

The perfect subjunctives and pluperfect are formed as perfectly indicative and pluperfect, except the additional verbs (either avere or essere ) take the current and imperfect subtitle.

They are used in subordinate clauses that require subjunctive, where the meaning of a verb requires perfect use or pluperfect.

  • English: "Even though they did not kill doctors, the police arrested the men."
  • Italian: "BenchÃÆ' Â © non avessero ucciso il medico, la polizia arresta ² gli uomini."
  • English: "I'll do it, as long as you've helped me."
  • Italian: "Lo avrei fatto, purchÃÆ' Â © tu mi avessi assistito ."


The subjunctive mood ( subjuntivo ) is the basic element of Spanish. His oral form utilizes it to a much greater extent than any other Latin and there is no homonym for every other form of sentence. Furthermore, it is common to find long complex sentences almost entirely in subjunctive.

The subjunctive is used in conjunction with impersonal expressions and expressions of emotion, opinion, desire or point of view. More importantly, this applies to most hypothetical situations, probable or not, desirable or not. Usually, only the certainty (or statement) of a fact will eliminate the possibility of its use. Unlike French, it is also used in phrases that express the conditions of the past. The negative of the imperative has the same shape as the present subjunctive.

The general introduction to subjunctive will include the following:

  • que... or de que... as in que sea (subjunctive) lo que Dios quiera (subjunctive) : Let that be what God wants .
  • Si... : "If.." (eg the estuvieras : "if you...")
  • Donde : "Where.." (eg donde sea , "anywhere")
  • Cuando : "When.." (referring to a future time, for example cuando vaya , "when I go")
  • Aunque : "Although/though/even if..."
  • OjalÃÆ'¡... "I hope..." (derived from Arabic ??????????????????????? < "Insya Allah" for example OjalÃÆ'¡ que llueva (subjunctive present) "I hope rain" or OjalÃÆ'¡ que lloviera (past subjunctive) "I hope rain will fall ".

However, subjunctive can stand alone to replace other word forms.

For example, "I want" can be said in conditional Me gustarÃÆ'a or in the past subjunctive Quisiera , as in Quisiera (subjunct past) i> que vinieras (subjunctive of the past), ie "I want you to come."

Convenience with the subjunctive form and the extent to which a second language speaker seeks to avoid its use is a good way of measuring his fluency in the language. The complex use of subjunctives is a constant pattern of daily conversation among indigenous peoples but difficult to modernize even by relatively adept Spanish learners (eg I want you to come on Thursday: I habrÃÆ'a gustado (conditional perfect) que vinieras (past subjunctive) el jueves.

An example of subtlety of the Spanish subjunctive is the tense (past, present or future) way of modifying the phrase "to be as it is" (literally "be like that"):

  • Sea lo que sea (subjunctive subjunctive present): "No matter what/whatever."
  • Sea lo que fuera (subjunctive subjunctive past): "Whatever it is."
  • Fuera lo que fuera (subjunctive past subjunctive past): (Similar meaning above).
  • Sea lo que fuere . (Present subjunctive future future): "Whatever it is."
  • Fuera lo que hubiera sido . (Past subjunctive past the pluperfect subjunctive): "Whatever/no matter what is possible".

The same change can be made for the expression Sea como sea or "no matter how" with the same meaning change.

Spain has two past subjunctive forms. They are almost identical, except that where "first form" has -ra - , "second form" has -se - . These two forms can usually be replaced even though the -se - form may be more common in Spain than in other Spanish-speaking areas. The -ra - form can also be used as an alternative to conditional in a particular structure.

Present subjunctive

In Spain, the present subjunctive form is always different from the appropriate indicative form now. For example, while English "that they speak" or French "qu'ils parlent" can be indicative or subjunctive, the Spanish "que hablen" is clearly subjunced. (The corresponding indication is "que habl a n".) The same applies to all verbs, regardless of subject.

When to use:

  • When there are two clauses, separated by que . However, not all "que" clauses require a calmer mood. They must have at least one of the following criteria:
    1. When the fourth edition of Mosaicos states, when the verb main clause expresses emotion (eg fear, happiness, sadness, etc.)
    2. The imppersonal expression is used in the main clause. (It's important that...)
    3. Verbs in the second clause are words that are subjunctive.


  • OjalÃÆ'¡ que I compren (comprar) un regalo. (I hope they will buy me a gift.)
  • que recomiendo there is no correction (correr) con tijeras. (I suggest that you do not run with scissors.)
  • Dudo que el restaurante abra (abrir) a las seis. (I doubt the restaurant might open at six o'clock.)
  • Lo discutiremos cuando venga (venir). (We'll talk about it when he comes.)
  • Ice importante que (nosotros) hagamos ejercicio. (It's important for us to exercise.)
  • Me alegro de que (tÃÆ'º) seas mi amiga. (I'm glad you're my friend.)
Previous subtitle (not perfect)

Used in turns, the past subjunctive (imperfect) may end either in "-se" or "-ra". The two forms are from the plural third person (ellos, ellas, ustedes ) of preterite. For example, the verb "estar", when conjugated in the plural of a third person of preterite, becomes "estuvieron". Then, drop the suffix "-ron", and add "-se" or "-ra". Thus, it becomes "estuviese" or "estuviera". Past sub-tasks can be used with "if... then" statements with conditional mood. Example:

  • Si yo fuera / fuese el maestro, there is no mandarÃÆ'a demasiados deberes . (If I is a teacher, I will not give you too much homework.)
Future subjunctive

In Spain, tense future subjunctive is now rare but still used in certain dialects of Spanish and in formal speeches. Usually reserved for ancient literature, idioms and expressions, and legal documents. (The shape is similar to the "-ra" shape of the imperfect subjunctive, but with the "-re" suffix instead of "-ra," -res "instead of" -ras, "etc.)

  • si no lo hiciere , que Dios y la patria i lo sue. (If I do not do it, may God and the request of my homeland.)

Phrases expressing subjunctive in future periods usually use current subjunctive. For example: "I hope that it will rain tomorrow" will only be "Espero que llueva maÃÆ' Â ± ana" (where llueva is the third single-subjunctive person present from llover , "rain").

The perfect subtitle

In Spanish, the pluperfect subjunctive verb is used to describe sustained desires in the past. "DesearÃÆ'a que (tÃÆ'º) hubieras ido al cine conmigo el viernes pasado." (I hope you went to the cinema with me last Friday). To form this tension, first conjugate the haber's subjunctive form (in the above example, "haber" to "hubieras"). Then add the participle of the main verb (in this case "ir" to "ido").

  • Me gustarÃÆ'a que hubieras ido / hubieses ido , pero ÃÆ' Â © l suspendiÃÆ'³ su examen de matemÃÆ'¡ticas . (I like you gone , but he failed his math test.)

Although the "-re" form seems to be more closely related to an imperfect "-ra" form rather than the "-se" form, that is not the case. The "-se" shape of the imperfect subjunctive comes from the pluperek subjunctive of vulgar Latin and "-ra" of the pluperfect indicative, which combines to overtake the final pluperfect ending. The form of "-re" is more complicated, stemming (so to speak) of the perfect perfect fusion and perfect future - which, albeit in a different atmosphere, is identical to second and third persons - before a perfect loss in the subjunctive shift front, the same perfect nature is the only form originally shared. Thus the "-ra" and "-se" forms always have the past (to be specific, pluperfect) meaningful, but only the "-se" form is always included with the "-re" subjunctive mood formed since its emergence.


In Portuguese, subjunctive ( subjuntivo or conjuntivo ) is used to talk about situations that are viewed as doubtful, imaginary, hypothetical, demanding, or necessary. It can also express emotions, opinions, disagreements, rejections, or desires. The values ​​are similar to those in formal English:

Present subjunctive
  • Orders: FaÃÆ'§a -a luz! " Let the light !"
  • Desire: Viva o rei! " Long life king!"
  • Needs: ÃÆ' â € ° importante que ele compreenda as well. "It's important for him to understand that."
  • In certain subordinate clauses:
    • Ainda que seja meu aniversÃÆ'¡rio... "Even though it's my birthday..." li>
    • Ante que eu vÃÆ'¡ ... "Before I went ..."
Imperfect (past) subjunctive

As in Spanish, subjunctively imperfect in everyday use, and it is used, inter alia, to make the tension of the subordinate clause correspond to the tense of the main clause:

  • English: This is [indicative of this] necessary that he speaks [subjunctive]. -> That [previous indication] it is necessary that he speaks [subjunctive]].
  • Portuguese: ÃÆ'â € [indicative of this] necessÃÆ'¡rio que ele fale [subjunctive]. -> Era necessÃÆ'¡rio [past (not perfect) indicative] que ele falasse [past imperfect) subjunctive].

An imperfect subtitle is also used when the main clause is in a conditional condition:

  • English: will [conditional] required that he speaks [subjunctive].
  • Portuguese: Seria [conditional] necessÃÆ'¡rio que ele falasse [not perfect subtitle].

Note that there are writers who regard Portuguese terms as a 'future in the past' from an indicative atmosphere, not as separate moods; they call it futuro do pretÃÆ' Â © rito ("the future of the past"), especially in Brazil.

Future Subtitles

The Portuguese language differs from other Ibero-Roman languages ​​in maintaining the subjunctive future of the medieval ( futuro do subjuntivo), which is rarely used in Spanish and Galician and has been lost in other Iberic languages. It states a condition that must be met in the future, or assumed to be fulfilled, before an event can occur. Spanish and English will use present tense in this type of clause.

For example, in a conditional sentence whose main clause is in conditional form, Portuguese, Spanish and English use the past tense in the subordinate clause. However, if the main clause is in the future, the Portuguese will use a subjunctive future in which English and Spanish use this indicative. (Note that English, when used in a strict formal style, takes subjunctive present in this situation, eg: If I am, then...) Contrast the following two sentences.

  • English: If I am king of [past], I will end [conditional] hunger.
    • Spanish: fuera [IMPERFECT subjunctive] rey, acabarÃÆ'a con [conditional] el hambre.
    • Portuguese: Se fosse [IMPERFECTIVE] rei, acabaria com [conditional] a fome.
  • English: If I [indicative] [technical English is "if I be " present subjunctive] elected president, I will change the [future indicative] law.
    • Spanish: Si soybeans [indicative of this] elegido presidente, cambiarÃÆ'Â © [future indication] la ley.
    • Portuguese: Se for [subjunctive future] eleito presidente, mudarei [future indication] lei.

The first situation is counterfactual; the listener knows that the speaker is not a king. However, the second statement reveals a promise about the future; the speaker may not have been elected president.

For another example, a father speaking to his son might say:

  • English: When you [present indicative] longer, you will understand [indicative of future].
  • Spanish: Cuando oceans [subjunctive present] mayor, comprenderà ¢ ¡s [future indication].
  • French: Submit future > big indicate big, tu comprendras .
  • Portuguese: Quando fores [future subjunctive] mais velho, compreenderÃÆ'¡s [future indication].

The subjunctive of the future is identical in form with personal infinitive in ordinary verbs, but they differ in some irregular verbs often used. However, the possible difference between the two forms of the word is because it only blocks changes. They always have the same tip.

It is important to see how the meaning of the sentence may change by subjunctive and indicative redirect:

  • Ele pensou que eu fosse alto (He thinks I'm high [and I'm not])
  • Ele pensou que eu era alto (He thinks I'm high [and I or I am not sure if I am or not])
  • Se formos lá (If we go there)
  • Se vamos lá (equivalent to "if we go there")

Below, there is a table showing subjunctive and conditional conjunctives for the regular verb of the first paradigm (-ar), exemplified by falar (for speaking).

Coercion of compound

Compound verbs in the subjunctive are required in more complex sentences, such as subordinate clauses with finishing tenses attached to, for example, perfect states in the future. To form an additional verb auxiliary verb (ter or haver) must be conjugated to the respective subjunctive strain, whereas the main verb must take their participles.

  • Queria que tivesses sido eleito presidente (I hope you are elected president)
  • ÃÆ' â € ° importante que hajas compreendido too. (It's important that you have understood it)
  • Quando houver-me eleito presidente, mudarei a lei (When I will be elected president), I will change the law)
  • A cidade he is afundado nÃÆ' Â £ o fosse por seus alicerces (City will sink , if not for its foundation)


Romania is part of the Balkan Sprachbund and therefore uses subjunctive ( conjunctivul ) wider than other Roman languages. The subjunctive form always includes a conjunction ? , which in this verbal form plays the role of morphological structural elements. The subtask has two forms of words: the past form and the current form.

Present subjunctive

The current subcontract of a regular verb is formed by adding a certain end to the infinitive rod (eg El vrea s? CÃÆ' Â ¢ nte , he wants to sing). The verbal form is actually preceded by a conjunction ? . The present form of time is the most widely used of the two additional word forms and is often used after a verb expressing desirable desire, preferences, permissions, possibilities, requests, suggestions, etc.: vrea , a dori to expect, prefera to select, al? sa to let, allow, a ruga to ask, a sf? tui to suggest, sugera to recommend, recommendations to recommend, a cere for a request, to request, an interzik to disallow permissions to allow, permit, se teme be afraid, etc.

When used independently, the subjunctive denotes desire, fear, command or demand, that is to have both capital and imperative value. Subtasks are now used in questions that have a capital value should :

  • S? plec? Should I go?
  • S? mai stau? Should I stay longer?
  • De ce s? begged? Why did she have to go?

Subtasks are now often used as a necessity, especially for others rather than second persons. When used with a second person, it is even stronger than the imperative. The first-person plural may be preceded by interjections hi, which intensifies the imperative meaning of the structure:

  • S? mergem! Let's go! or Hi s? mergem! Come on, let's go!
  • S? I want him to leave soon!
  • S? -mi aduci un pahar de ap ?! Bring me a glass of water!

Subjunative prizes are used in certain phrases that are used as speeches in certain situations:

  • S? cre? from mare! (to a child, after he stated his age or thanking for something)
  • S? ne (s? -? aku, s? v?) fie de bine! (to those who have finished eating them)
  • S? -l (s? o, s? le etc.) por? is? n? tos/s? n? toast ?! (when someone appears with a new outfit, with new shoes)
  • Dumnezeu s? -l (s-o, s? -i, s? le) ierte! (after mentioning the name of someone who died recently)
Past subjunctive

The tense past of the subjunct mood has one form for everyone and the sum of all the verbs, which s? fi followed by the past participle of the verb. The past subtugas was used after the opt-past conditional verbal subjunctive ( a trebui, vrea, a putea, fi bine, fi neesar , etc.), in the construction that express needs, the desire in the past :

  • Ar fi trebuit s? fi r? more acas ?. You should be home.
  • Ar fi fost mai bine s? mai fi stat. It would be better if we stay longer.

When used independently, subjunctive past shows remorse associated with actions taken in the past that are considered undesirable at the time of speaking:

  • S? fi? mas acas? We should stay at home. (Note: the same construction can be used for everyone and number.)



In the Welsh language, there are two subjunctive forms: present and imperfect. Subtasks are now almost never used in oral Welsh languages ​​except in certain phrases, and are limited in many cases to a single third person. However, it is more likely to be found in Welsh literature, at most in the more ancient registers. A single third person is used appropriately after certain conjunctions and prepositions but in the spoken Welsh language, subjunctive which is now often replaced by an infinitive, present tense, conditional, or future tense (later called by the future by some). grammarian).

The imperfect subtitle, like English, only makes the effect on the verb bod - 'to be' and is used after pe = 'if' and it must be accompanied by a subjunctive example conditional Pe bawn i'n gyfoethog, teithiwn i trwy'r byd = If i rich, i will travel all over the world.

For all other verbs in Welsh like in English, the imperfect subjunctive takes the same rod as the conditional and imperfect conditional subjunctive.

Scottish Gaelic

In Scottish Gaelic, subjunctive is absent but still takes the form of indicative: the subjunctive present takes an incomplete indicative and subjunctive future to take imperfect indicative. Subtitles are usually used in proverbs or axioms in phrases beginning with 'May...' For example,

  • Gum bi RÃÆ'¬gh Ruisiart beÃÆ'² fada! Living King Richard (lit. May King Richard live long).
  • Gum bi beanachd DÃÆ'¨ oirbh uile! May God bless you all!
  • Gun gabh e a fhois ann sÃÆ'¬th May he rest in peace

Or when used as a conjunction, subjunctive is used, like every other language, in a more demanding statement or wishful thinking:

  • 'Se ÃÆ'm gum g e a-nis It's time for him to go now
  • Tha e riatanach gun tÃÆ'¨id iad gu sgoil gach lÃÆ' Need that they go to school every day
  • Dh'fhaighnich e nach faic mi ise He asked me not to see it

The subjunctive in Gaelic will sometimes have a gun (or gum dialer before words beginning with b , f , m or p ) can be translated as 'it' or as 'Mei...' when making the request. For negatives, nach is used.

In Scottish Gaelic, the imperfect subjunctive is precisely the only indication that it uses 'robh' in both affirmative and negative forms, since the interrogative does not exist in subjunctive form in any language, from 'bi'-' until it becomes 'though' robh 'is taken from an interrogative form in an imperfect' bi 'indication.

For each other verb in Gaelic, the same follows for an imperfect subjunctive in which an interrogative or negative verb form is used for affirmative and negative verb forms and, like Welsh, the imperfectly subjunctive form can be exactly the same as the conditional subjunctive form apart from 'bi'.


  • If there is a rich, shubbingy around the world If I'm rich, I'll travel around the world
  • If I did not do my homework, I would be in trouble If I did not do my homework, I would be in trouble

Native speakers tend to use the following for the second example above:

  • If I do not do my homework, I'll be in trouble


In Irish (Gaeilge), subjunctive, as in Scottish Gaelic (his sister language), includes the idea of ​​wanting something and appears in some of the famous proverbs and Irish blessings. This is considered an ancient form for everyday conversation (except in a regulated phrase) but still often appears in print.

Subtasks are usually formed from "Go" (the eclipse, and add "n-" to verbs beginning with vowels), plus the subjunctive form of the verb, plus the subject, plus the expected. For example, the subjunctive form "tÃÆ' Â © igh" (go) is "tÃÆ' Â ©":

  • Go dtÃÆ' Â © tÃÆ'º slÃÆ'¡n. - I hope you are fine. (lit: hope you are doing well)

Alternatively, the subjunctive "tabhair" (beri) is "tuga":

  • Go and let's go. - May God give you a taste.

Or to take a third example, sometimes it is also a curse, like this from Tory Island in Donegal:

  • Go ndÃÆ' Â © ana an Diabhal toirneach de d'anam in Ifreann. - May the Devil thunder your soul in Hell.

The subjunctive is generally formed by taking the verb stem and adding at the exact end of the subjunctive depending on broad or lean conjugation, and first or second. For example, go to the bog (to move) stem added -a give as subjunctive to first person cater mÃÆ' Â © :

First conjugation:

Second Conjugation:

For example. "go mbeannaÃÆ' Dia thÃÆ'º" - May God bless you.

There are also some irregularities in certain verbs in the subjunctive. The verb bÃÆ' (be) is the most irregular verb in Irish (like most Indo-European languages):

The Irish phrase for "thank you" - go raibh maith agat - uses the subjunctive of "bÃÆ'" and literally means "hopefully be kind to you".

Some verbs do not follow conjugations of the subjunctive exactly as conjugated above. This irregularity applies to verbs whose tips are already in vowel emphasized and hence due to Irish orthographic and pronunciation rules, can not take another. As an example:

  • Although feoigh does not have sÃÆ'neadh fada (accent), 'o' in this position is emphasized (pronounced as if it is ÃÆ'³ ) and thus subjunctive is irregular.

Where subjunctive is used in English, it can not be used in Irish and other tense may be used instead. As an example:

  • If I is (your subjunctive past), I will study for the exam tomorrow. - dÃÆ'¡ mba (past/conditional from copula) mise tusa, dhÃÆ' Â © anfainn (conditional) staidÃÆ' Â © ar le haghaidh a scrÃÆ'ºdaithe amÃÆ'¡rach.
  • I wish * (that) you are (past sub) here. - Do mian liom go raibh (sub now.) TÃÆ'º anseo.
  • It is important that he select (this sub now) in the right way - TÃÆ'¡ sÃÆ' Â © tÃÆ'¡bhachtach go roghnaÃÆ'onn (present indicative) sÃÆ' Â © ar ceart mbealach.
      • When you are older (current ind), you will understand - Nuair a bheidh b/b>/ bheas (future ind.) tÃÆ'º nÃÆ'os sine, tuigfidh tÃÆ'º.
    • Note that in English, the relative pronoun that can be ignored; in Irish, the corresponding go should be preserved.
      • Note that in English, the present tense is often used to refer to the future state whereas in Ireland there is less freedom with tenses (ie more time strictly bound to the appropriate tense, present to the present, past for the past, future for the future). In this particular example, you will be older and that's when you will understand .

Slavic languages ​​

The subjunctive atmosphere is recognized in certain Slavic languages, although there is no consistent terminology. For example, some authors do not distinguish the subjunctive mood from the optical mood ("hope"), others do.


The subjunctive mood is formed using particles by , either alone or forming a word with complex conjunctions ? Eby , i? By , a? eby , aby , coby . The mood does not have its own morphology, but the rule that the particles containing by must be placed in front of the dependent clause. Comparing:

  • Upieram si?,? e wychodzi indicative - I insist that he leave;
  • Upieram si ?, with wyszed? subjunctive - I insist that he leave;
  • Upieram si?,? e wyszed? by conditional - I insist that he will leave.

The subjunctive mood in the dependent clause is mandatory in the case of certain independent clauses, for example not correct to say chc?,? E to zrobi , but the subjunctive mood should be used instead: chc ?, by to zrobi? .

The subjunctive can never be wrong with the conditional, though it is in the case of conditional mood clitic by and the derivative can move. Look at it in the following example

  • Upieram si?,? e wtedy by nie wyszed? Conditional - I insist that he will not go;
  • Upieram si?,? e by wÃÆ'³wczas nie wyszed? Conditional - I insist that he will not go;
  • My? l?, e on by Accident wyszed? conditional - I think he will actually go;
  • me? l?,? e gdyby wyszed ?,... Conditional - I think, that if he wants to go,...

there is no conjunction, which will indicate subjunctive. Specifically, there is no ? Eby .

Compare that with the closely related optical mood, e.g. the subjunctive nie nalegam, by wys? a? list vs optative oby wys? a? list .


The capital difference in subordinate clauses is not expressed through the verb endings, but through complementary options - ?? (che) or ?? (da) (which may both be translated with the relative "it"). Verbs remain unchanged. In ordinary sentences, the imperfect aspects are most often used for the indicative, and are perfect for subjunctive, but any combination is possible, with appropriate change of meaning.

  • eg iskam da stanesh (perfect)/iskam da stavash (not perfect) - I want you to wake up.

The latter is more urgent, because imperfective is faster construction. Thus:

  • Indicative - ?? -
    • for example. ????, ?? ?? ??? - znam, che si tuk - I know you are here;
  • Subtype - ?? -
    • for example. ????????? ?? ?? ??? - nastoyavam da si tuk - I insist that you are here.

Maps Subjunctive mood

Semitic Languages ​​


In Standard Arabic/Arabic, the verb in the imperfect aspect ( al-mu 'ri' ) has a subjunctive form called form man ?? b (????). This differs from the imperfect indicator in most of its forms: where indicative has "-u", the subjunctive has "-a"; and where indicative has "-na" or "-ni", subjunctive does not have anything at all. ("-na" ending in the second and third plural feminine is different: marks gender and numbers, not mood, and therefore exists in both indicative and subjunctive.)

  • Indicator of all three indicators. yaktubu "he wrote/is writing/will write" -> Subjunction yaktuba "he may/should write"
  • Indication of the third plural mascot. yaktub? na "they write" -> Subjunction yaktub? "they may write"
  • The third indicative retro indicator. yaktubna "they write" = Subjunctive yaktubna "they may write"

Subtitle used in that -claus, after Arabic an : ur? Du an aktuba "I want to write." However, in conditional and prakatory phrases, such as "if he goes" or "let him go", the atmosphere is different from the imperfect aspects, juice, majz? M , is used.

In many dialects of the Arabic language, there is still a distinction between indicative and subjunctive; However, it is not through the suffix but the prefix.

In Levantine Arabic, indicative has b - while subjunctive does not have it:

  • the third sing. masc. huwwe byuktob "he wrote/wrote/will write", versus yuktob "he may/should write"
  • third mask mask. homme byukotbu , versus yukotbu

Egyptian uses simple constructs that precede conjugated verbs with ( legal "if") or ( momken "maybe"); here are some examples:

  • (Law/Momken techtebi ent. "If/Maybe you wrote") (s.f)
  • (Law/Momken entity ktebti. "If/Maybe you write") (s.f)
  • (Law/Momken entity tektebi. "If/Maybe you will write") (s.f)
  • (Law/Momken enti? atektebi. "If/Maybe you will write") (s.f)


The last short vowels are spoken in Hebrew in prehistoric times, so the distinction between Proto-Semitic indicative, subjunctive and jussive (similar to Arabic Classical forms) has largely disappeared even in biblical Hebrew. The difference persists for several verbal categories, in which the original final morphemes performed perpetual secondary changes in the internal word structure and vowel length. This includes weak roots with medial or final vowels, such as yaq? M "he goes up/up" versus yaqom "he may rise" and yihye "he will" versus yehi "is it possible he ", the imperfect form of the stem hiphil , and also generally for the imperfect first person form: ???? ?? (Incomplete indication of 'sit') vs. ???????? (imperfect cohortative = volitive of 'sit'). In modern Hebrew the situation has gone much further, with forms like yaqom and yehi becoming unproductive; instead, the prefix conjugation is used for subjunctive, often with the he - particle added to introduce the clause, if it does not exist (similar to French que ).

  • "? ???? " ( He yavo ) - "Let him come "or" May he come "(literally," It (he) is coming ")
  • "??????? ???? " ( Ani rotzeh he yavo ) - "I want him < b> to come "(literally," I want that (he) to come ")

The biblical subjunct form survives in non-productive phrases in the form of such a single third person from being (????? - lihyot , ???/?? or? and i for life (????? - likhyot , ???/???), most in the literary list:

  • " ??? ????" ( Y'khi ha-melekh ) - "Old live king" (literally, " Live the-king"
  • "?? ??? " ( Lu Y'hi ) - "Let It" (literally, "if it is ) (a popular song in Hebrew, by Naomi Shemer)


The subordinate clauses in Babylonian and Standard Babylon are marked with -u on verbs ending in consonants, and with nothing after ending vocals or after tempting ends. Due to the semitic consonant structure, and the Akkadian sound law, the addition of -u may trigger a short vowel in the middle of the word disappear. Akkadian Assyria uses a more complicated system with both -u and -ni as a subordinate marker. The ending -ni are used in instances where -u can not be used as mentioned above. During the Middle and Neo Assyria, the suffix becomes obligatory on all subordinate verbs, even those already possessing -u, producing -ni and -ni as subordinate markers.

Conditional and Subjunctive Verb Moods - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Uralic language

Source of the article : Wikipedia
