Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

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Mod Spolight - Mariculture - Part 2 - Diving Module - YouTube

Mariculture is a special branch of cultivation involving the cultivation of marine organisms for food and other products in the open ocean, sealed part of the ocean, or in tanks, ponds or channels filled with seawater. The last example is the cultivation of marine fish, including fish and shellfish such as shrimp, or oysters and seaweed in saltwater ponds. Non-food products produced by marine aquaculture include: fish meal, nutrient agar, jewelry (eg pearl cultivation), and cosmetics.

Video Mariculture




Similar to the cultivation of algae, shellfish can be cultivated in various ways: on a rope, in a bag or cage, or directly on (or inside) the intertidal substrate. Shellfish cultivation does not require feed or fertilizer input, or insecticides or antibiotics, making shellfish cultivation (or 'marine aquaculture') a self-supporting system. Shellfish can also be used in multi-species cultivation techniques, where shellfish can utilize the waste produced by higher trophic level organisms.

Artificial Coral

Following trials in 2012, a commercial "marine farm" was established in Flinders Bay, Western Australia to lift abalone. This farm is based on an artificial reef consisting of 5000 (In April 2016) a separate concrete unit called abitats (abalone habitat). The 900 kilograms (2,000 pounds) abitats can host 400 abalone each. This reef is seeded with young abalone from a hatchery on land.

Abralone eats seaweeds that grow naturally in abitats; with enrichment of the bay ecosystem also resulted in an increase in the number of dhufish, pink snapper, wrasse fish, samson fish among other species.

Brad Adams, of the company, has emphasized similarities with wild abalone and the distinction of coastal-based fisheries cultivation. "We are not aquaculture, we are gardening, because once they are in the water, they take care of themselves."

Open seas

The cultivation of marine organisms under controlled conditions in high-energy ocean environments exposed beyond significant coastal influences, is a relatively new approach to marine aquaculture. Open ocean aquaculture (OOA) uses cages, nets, or long line lines that are tethered, hoisted or float freely. Open and commercial marine aquaculture facilities are in operation or under development in Panama, Australia, Chile, China, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico and Norway. In 2004, two commercial open-air marine facilities operate in US waters, increasing Threadfin near Hawaii and cobia near Puerto Rico. Bigeye tuna targeting operation recently received final approval. All US commercial facilities are currently located in waters under state or territorial jurisdiction. The world's largest open sea water in the world is an increase of 12 km cobia off the northern coast of Panama in very open places.

Increased stockings

Increased Stocking (also known as livestock) is a Japanese principle based on the operand conditioning and the nature of the migration of certain species. The fishermen raise the turtle boys in a tight knit net in the harbor, honking underwater before feeding. When the fish are long enough they are freed from the net to mature in the open sea. During the spawning season, about 80% of these fish return to their birthplace. The fishermen honk the horn and then pick the fish that respond.

Sea water pool

In the cultivation of seawater ponds, fish are raised in ponds that receive water from the sea. It has the benefit that nutrients (eg microorganisms) present in seawater can be used. This is a big advantage compared to traditional fish farms (eg saltwater farms) where farmers buy (expensive) feed. Another advantage is that water purification plants can be planted in ponds to eliminate nitrogen buildup, from dirt and other contaminants. Also, the pool can be left without protection from natural predators, providing another type of screening.

Maps Mariculture

Environmental effects

Marikultur has grown tremendously over the past two decades due to new technologies, improved in-form feeds, greater biological understanding of cultivated species, improved water quality in closed farming systems, greater demand for seafood products, location extensions and governmental interests. As a result, marine aquaculture has become controversial about its social and environmental impacts. Commonly identified environmental impacts of marine farming are:

  1. Waste from the cage culture;
  2. Agricultural and invasive runaway;
  3. Genetic pollution and transfer of diseases and parasites;
  4. Habitat modification.

Like most agricultural practices, the level of environmental impact depends on the size of farms, cultured species, stock density, feed type, site hydrography, and livestock methods. The adjacent diagram connects these causes and effects.

Trash from the enclosure culture

Mariculture of finfish can require large amounts of fish food sources or other high protein sources. Initially, large amounts of fish meal were dumped into waste due to inefficient feeding regime and poor digestibility of formulated feed resulting in poor feed conversion ratio.

In the cage culture, several different methods are used to feed the cultivated fish - from simple feeding to computer-controlled advanced systems to automatic food dispensers coupled with in situ absorption sensors that detect consumption levels. In coastal fish farms, overfeeding leads primarily to increased disposition of detritus on the seafloor (potentially suffocating seabed invertebrate settlements and altering the physical environment), while in hatchery and land-based farming, food excess is wasted and potentially impacts the surrounding catchment. and local coastal environments. This impact is usually very local, and relies heavily on the speed of precipitation of the waste feed and the current velocity (which varies both spatially and temporally) and depth.

Agricultural and invasive runaway

The impact of a run from aquaculture operations depends on whether or not there are wild relatives or close relatives in the receiving environment, and whether the escape is reproductively capable. Several different mitigation/prevention strategies are currently used, from the development of infertile triploids to farms that are completely isolated from the marine environment. Escape can have a negative impact on local ecosystems through hybridization and loss of genetic diversity in the original stock, increasing negative interactions within an ecosystem (such as predation and competition), disease transmission and habitat change (from tropical cascades and ecosystem shifts to various sedimentary regimes and thus turbidity).

The introduction of accidentally invasive species is also a concern. Aquaculture is one of the major vectors for invasiveness following the accidental release of livestock stock into the wild. One example is the sturgeon Siberia ( Acipenser baerii ) who accidentally escaped from a fish farm to Muara Gironde (South West France) after a severe storm in December 1999 (5,000 fish individuals fled to the mouth who have never hosted this species before). Molluscan farming is another example in which species can be introduced into new environments by 'riding' on planted molluscs. In addition, the self-cultivated molluscs can be predators and/or competitors that dominate, as well as the potential spread of pathogens and parasites.

Genetic pollution, disease and parasite transfer

One of the main problems with marine aquaculture is the potential transfer of diseases and parasites. Agricultural stocks are often cultured selectively to increase resistance to diseases and parasites, as well as improve product growth and quality. As a result, genetic diversity in maintained stocks declines with each generation - meaning they potentially reduce genetic diversity in wild populations if they escape to the wild population. Such genetic contamination from runaway fish stocks can reduce the ability of wild people to adapt to the changing natural environment. Also, maricultured species can store diseases and parasites (eg, ticks) that can be introduced to wild populations after they escape. An example of this is the parasite sea lice in wild Atlantic salmon and farming in Canada. Also, non-native species that farm may have resistance to, or carry, certain diseases (which they take in their native habitat) that can spread through wild populations if they escape to these wild populations. Such 'new' disease will destroy the wild population because they have no immunity to them.

Habitat modification

With the exception of benthic habitats directly under marine farms, most marine aquacultures cause minimal damage to habitat. However, the destruction of mangrove forests from shrimp farming is a concern. Globally, shrimp aquaculture is a small contributor to mangrove forest destruction; however, locally can be very destructive. Mangrove forests provide a rich matrix that supports a great deal of biodiversity - especially teenage fish and crustaceans. Furthermore, they act as a buffer system in which they reduce coastal erosion, and improve water quality for in situ animals by treating materials and 'filtering' the sediments.


In addition, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds from foods and wastes can cause phytoplankton blooms, which in turn degrade them to drastically reduce oxygen levels. If the algae is poisonous, the fish are killed and the shells are contaminated.

SEASMART coral farm reaping rewards with first corals to hit ...


The development of marine aquaculture should be sustained by basic and applied research and development in key areas such as nutrition, genetics, systems management, product handling, and socioeconomics. One approach is a closed system that has no direct interaction with the local environment. However, current investment and operational costs are much higher than open cages, limiting them to their current role as hatcheries.

Mariculture - Blue Ocean


Sustainable marine aquaculture promises economic and environmental benefits. The economic scale implies that livestock can produce fish at a lower cost than industrial fisheries, leading to a better human diet and the gradual elimination of unsustainable fisheries. Cultured fish are also considered to have higher quality than fish raised in ponds or tanks, and offer a more diverse selection of species. Consistent supply and quality control has enabled integration within the food market channel.

Mariculture / Position Paper - seema shenoy

Farming species

  • Seaweed

Mariculture, Barangay Waterfall Balingasag Misamis Orienta… | Flickr

Scientific literature

The scientific literature on marine aquaculture can be found in the following journals:

FTB Regrowth 1.0 Part 36 Mariculture Natural Gas - YouTube

See also

Mariculture Market - Assessments Various Business Applications in ...


Minecraft How To Guide for Mariculture Mod pt 3 Enchanting - YouTube

External links

  • Long Line Environment
  • Worldfishcenter-provides info on the cultivation of certain marine organisms
  • Web-based aquaculture simulations for shellfish in estuaries and coastal systems: Simulation modeling for shells, oysters, and shellfish.
  • Marine cultivation guidance and best practice: Coastal management perspective on marine aquaculture development by the University of Rhode Island Beach Resources Center.
  • Mariculture Marine Science . Retrieved 14 January 2010.
  • Flotilla Online - An apocalyptic fiction novel about future marine aquaculture companies and a center for marine aquaculture topics.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
